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We stormed into the structure Leena's scent permeated all throughout the small village we had come upon. 

She had been here and recently

Lokkar and Slix advanced ahead of me surveying the area and checking for potential threats the way we were taught in our extensive training

We smelled nothing off however we did scent other humans around and couldn't be sure if they posed a threat or not, so with cautious steps we walked through the barren streets and then the structure

It held many, many rooms I had no idea what it was supposed to be used for but I could tell the many open rooms and spaces set Lokkar and Slix on edge 

Too many possible places for threats to emerge

Our advanced sense of smell was not enough for them to feel completely secure

I couldn't focus or care about anything, not even a potential threat, all I could think of was that Leena was close.

I had desired this moment for so, so long

Her scent called to me as we moved through the structure. the scent grew stronger until finally I stopped in a room where I was certain she occupied

However as we walked inside it seemed empty but I noticed a few items on the ground and set up as if someone had been staying here

I did not know what the strange items were but I could deduce that someone had been living in this room and Lenna's scent was strong here 

As I moved to walked further in and assess the space a sharp sound whizzed in the air

I instinctively turned my head swiftly

An arrow had flew towards me had my ability to be incrediblly fast I would have been impaled by it

I looked around trying to find where it had come from

Lokkar growled with anger as another whizzed, this time straight for my face

He jumped in front of me  with quickness only a LoQuan could achieve, his hand snagged the arrow mere inches from his face 

He growled again louder

"Try it again and you will be met with a painful death" Slix snarled taking up position next to Lokkar

"Just leave and we will not strike again"

My breath stalled and my heart soared in happiness 

That voice was as familiar as my own 


I stepped from behind Lokkar looking to where the voice came 

Lokkar snarled at my blatant disregard for my safety but I could only think of Leena, seeing her beautiful face again finally after all these years

"We will not leave until we have found what we have come for"

"And what is that?" 

Another voice called, this one distinctly male

I growled at it, was he with my Leena. my senses sharpened into a battle mode 

Logically I knew I had no right to lay claim  to Leena but my instincts and heart would not comply with that 

In my mind Leena was mines, always had been

"I want the female" I growled out 


The Plague(A BWWM Dystopian Novel)Where stories live. Discover now