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I had went to sleep last night with an optimistic and hopeful feeling i had not felt since before the invasion.

Xui's plan to start an uprising was crazy and damn near impossible. But for some reason it made me excited. For once i had a purpose other than surving anf taking care of my family. I had a goal, a real one.

Unfortunately, all those happy, fuzzy feelings were squashed before thaey could even take root and grow as i stood in the room listening to the raucous growls and shouts get increasingly louder

I sighed, shifting my feet exasperatedly trying to drown out the insults being hurled back and forth like a ping pong ball

"Fuck you Outsider! your kind is the reason we are in this damn situation to begin with!" Cain spat

Another loud growl

"Your race is useless and weak and pathetic. if you had been stronger perhaps your world would not have fell to ruin" Lokkar snarled

A Shriek

"How Dare you! This is our planet If we're so pathetic then why are you here? Leave!" Tara screeched.

"If there were a way off this retched planet,we would no doubt already be gone. for not even a insect would choose to stay amongst your kind if given a choice!" Slix sneered

Xui groaned in the corner. his face showing much the same impatient annoyance as my own

"Fuck you! You red fuck! i should shoot you right now for what your kind has done" 

Julius said, as he came forward with his gun in his hand, stepping toward Lokkar with murderous intent

Lokkar met him with gleeful malice as he brandished  his long curved blade

The deep burgundy of his thick massive horns looked menacing as the sun that peaked through the semi-boarded window glinted off them, painting him a fearsome picture

"Ok this was getting out of hand i stepped between them quickly

Xui moved to stand beside me as well

"Stand Down! NOW!" Xui ordered looking between Slix and Lokkar 

They complied immediately walking  away to the far side of the room

"This is pointless, it solves nothing" i added looking at Cain

The scowl on his face grew deeper

"Leena I cannot believe you would trust one of them after everything they have done and now you want us to join with them to do something that will no doubt kill us all. Have you lost your mind- You may trust him but I don't and I'm not gonna blindly follow anyone, especially a filthy Outsider straight to my death" he spat, glaring at Xui.

I sighed deeply. I didn't expect complete agreement, but this I had not anticipated. I could not blame Cain for having his reservations though,he barely knew me and we had never discussed staying together to do any of this. still I expected him to want this just as much as me, he had seemed like the "lets kick some ass and get some revenge" type but I guess I had been mistaken

His choices were his own and I was fine  with them, because I believed in the idea and I trusted Xui, and I knew that whether this plan failed or succeeded it was better than no plan at all. It was better than sitting around merely surviving and waiting for the other shoe to drop. 

Having Xui on the fighting side was already a major advantage no one would expect or see coming and Xui had insider knowledge which would help even the odds considerably in our favor.

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