chapter 6

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-jins pov-

It's officially been 1 year since y/n died. The first week she died all the members where in their rooms. no one wanted to come out, no one wanted to eat. The second week we set out to look for the person who ran the car off the cliff. I needed to find them i needed to know why they did it. What they wanted. We had a few fights with different gangs. Some members got hurt but we are all still alive. We were in a big fight right now with a unknown group they were strong and they had many people and a lot of guns. We didn't stand a chance against them. All the members were there but i had noticed one member was missing, yoongi. He wasn't there i looked around and couldn't find him. All of our guns were running low on ammo so we started to fall back. All of a sudden a big truck came around the corner and everyone stopped fighting all the members ran back to me. There was a big gun on top of the truck next thing i know it started shooting at the other people me and my group ran behind a wall as the other gang was being shot at and killed in minutes soon enough the shooting stopped and I heard a voice call out. I looked to see who it was and smiled "min yoongi" he looked at me and laughed "you should have seen your face it was funny" he started laughing as I looked at all the dead bodies. "We should probably get home now" jimin said from behind us as we made our way to the car i got a weird feeling I don't know how to explain it but i just had a weird feeling. We all drove back to the house and once we got in we all froze the place was a mess it looked like someone broke inside the house and was looking for something. I looked around seeing chairs flipped over on the floor papers scattered everywhere and glass on the floor. Me and the boys all made eye contact and got out our guns that had a few bullets left. We walked through the whole house but didn't find anything or anyone. "What the hell who could have done this" yoongi groaned in frustration i looked up at the mirror there was a paper no one notice and it was tapped to the mirror i walked over and grabbed it i opened it up and started reading out loud "so it seems u got the message now that u are reading this. U should have been nice to us with your new guest i heard that she's dead now what a pity her blood would have tasted so good.  Anyways have fun cleaning up" jin ripped up the paper he was furious he stormed out of the room and went to his room slamming the door shut but a couple seconds later it flew right back open jin walked down the stairs a bag filled with ammo and guns "uhh where exactly are you going jin?" Namjoon asked knowing what his friend was gonna do jin looked at him "im going to kill him" that was all he said before he walked out all the members got up and followed him they got in the car and jin drove to their warehouse. Once they got there the warehouse was filled with gunshots jin toke his guns and went inside without a care in the world he shot every person he saw not caring who it was once he got to the top were the boss was jin walked into the room and looked at him he didn't hesitate and he shot him dead in the head all of a sudden jins phone rang "jin get out of there now someone planted bombs that place is gonna blow" jin hung up as he looked at the dead body then started to walk out but stopped when something caught his eye, it was a book a photo album he grabbed it and ran out he got in the car where all the members were waiting taehyung was in the driver's seat and started driving jin looked through the photo album the first few pictures seemed normal but then he got to a page he didn't like so much there were pictures of y/n he kept looking through it and all it was was different pictures taken on different days different place and different times he slammed the book shut and closed his eyes leaning back in his seat why would he have photos of her and why so many he thought and he drifted off to sleep

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