chapter 3

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Once we got back to the house i looked around and noticed how cozy it was everyone walked into what seemed to be the kitchen and sat down at the table there was only one seat open it was next to yoongi and hobi i walked slowly and toke my seat they were all just talking and i was looking down wondering why i was really here all of a sudden i hear glass being broken my head shot up i looked at the other boys and they all looked confused they all got up and ran to where the noise came from i followed and saw a group of people with red eyes "we smell a human" one of them said then the group of people looked at me i froze but then felt someones arm grab onto my waist and pull me back while someone stepped in front of me i looked up and saw jin in front of me then i turned around and saw yoongi he had a worried look on his face "if you wanna make it out of here alive i suggest you leave" jin said with a low growl "if you think we are gonna leave without welcoming our new friend ur mistaken" the tall guys said and lowered his head looking at us with a smirk his group all of a sudden started running at us while i was picked up and pulled away all i saw was jin and the rest of the boys being attacked i don't know why but i was worried i felt afraid i wanted to help them but i couldnt i was thrown to the floor i looked up and saw a man attacking yoongi he looked at me "y/n run" he yelled i got up and started running not looking back i ran past the kitchen and saw blood some of the boys where on the floor bleeding i made eye contact with jin he was gonna say something but was punched by the tall guy i turned around and started to run as fast as i could i ran out into the snowy forest running for my life after 10 minutes of running i stopped to catch my breath i got caught on a few branches that ended up cutting me on the way here i was now in the middle of the forest not knowing what to do or where to go my mind traveled back to the boys my eyes started to water wondering if they where ok why would they protect me like that im just a stranger to them yet they got into this big fight to protect me i feel like i know them from somewhere but where my thought were interrupted by footsteps in the snow i turned around to see the tall guys standing there his eyes red fangs sharp i toke a step back "what do you want from me" in a blink of an eye he was in front of me his cold hands touched my cheek as he leaned down to my ear "i want your blood" he said as he dug his fangs into my neck and i screamed trying to push him away but he was to strong "no" was all i heard before he was pushed off me then was thrown to the ground when i looked at the person that did it it was jin he was covered in blood there were cuts on his arm he looked weak he was easily pushed to the ground by the guy and was being punched repeatedly i looked around me and saw a piece of metal i grabbed it and went towards the guy that was on jin i hit him on the head with it and he fell on the ground i kept on hitting him with the metal  jin looked at me as he laid on the snowy ground blood covered his face as he tried to speck "s-s-stop y/n stop" i didn't listen as flashback played in my mind memories i didn't even know i had tears streaming down my face the guy was lifeless as i kept hitting his head with the metal his head was basically bashed in and unrecognizable i felt someone pull me back and down into the snow hugging me from behind "your ok ur safe now calm down im here" i turned around and looked at jin now i was sitting on his lap as he wiped my tears "im sorry" was all i could say as he looked at me i cried onto his shoulder while he hugged me then the snow started to fall as realization set in that i just killed someone 

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