Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Henry Stein's pov

I stepped in the haunted house and got into one of the carts. Alice started talking again as the cart moved slowly. "And now the ride truly begins, Henry. Come in and pretend it's all a bad dream."
I looked around the ride there was a dead Fisher body in one of the small openings. "It's a funny thing. How so much can fall apart so fast. We never really had control of the studio. Either you in someone's pocket, or you were putting someone else into yours. I just wanted what was promised to me. I just wanted to be beautiful! Surely you can understand that. Henry... Why are you here? We're all dying to find out. Do you just enjoy the terror of the drop into hell? Because if that's the case... Hang on tight. I've got a surprise..." Alice said in a singsong tone. Two big gates opened and closed behind the cart I was in. I was now in a big room. It was almost like a ball room. Two gates on the other side opened up. It was just darkness.
Two large cartoon hands grabbed the cart I was in. A monster version of Boris appeared from the darkness. I know this is Boris because he still has the bone in his mouth that I gave him. "Boris! What has she done to you!" I said. Boris picked the cart up and threw me to the other side of the Ball room. The cart broke. "Ha ha ha! Meet the knew and improved Boris! I took what I wanted, and in return, I gave him so much more! And this time, there's no Ink Demon, no escape. Boris, tear him apart! Leave nothing!"
  Boris let a gurgled roar and started charging at me. I quickly moved out of the way. He charged at me a few more times until he had to take a small break. He dropped an ink blot. I knew what to do. I grabbed the ink blot and stuck it in the machine. A pipe came from the machine. I grabbed it. Boris charged at me once again. After he ran into a wall he faced me I hit him with the pipe. He was even more angry.

She wandered around the warehouse. Her children not far behind. She stopped for a brief moment. Her children bumped into her metal legs. She looked down at the small foxes. She looked at the working haunted house. She knew Henry entered the haunted house to save his friend. Her memories slowly came back to her. Not of the outside world that she once lived in, but when Henry first entered the place. She knows that Henry went after Boris. 'You poor man, you have relived this many times and you don't know it. Each attempt is all in vain. You can't save him. She has him know, and has tainted him.' A loud roar echoed throughout the warehouse. The little foxes hid behind the taller one. The tall fox monster tapped her claw on one of her shoulders once. The small foxes climbed on to her.
The Mangled One ran down the long cave she reached the gate that entered the Ball room. It now had a gapping hole in it. The children climbed down from the Mangled One. She bashed open the large wooden gates. The fox caught the eyes of the monstrosity. Henry was nearly dead, until she came in. Boris let out a roar. The Mangled One let out a louder one. At full speed they both charged at each other. Boris was weaker than before, Henry had weaked him. Cartoon hands collided with two metalic claws, one larger than the other, but both equally sharp.

Ink splattered all over the floors, but it wasn't from her, but it was from Boris. She was tearing the monster wolf apart. Boris had enough though. She picked the fox up and slammed her into the ground leaving a large dent in the tiles. Once again Boris lifted her up, but this time he threw her into the crates. The crates broke into pieces shards of old metal parts laid acrossed the floor. Boris walked up to the fox and let out a low growl. He place his foot on top of her chest. *Crack* *Snap* *Pop* Her bones broke under the pressure of his foot until finally her bones shattered underneath of his large foot. The fox screamed in agony, until the sound faded out. Her white eyes faded into a dull grey color and nothing. Just black hollow sockets.
Boris walked over to a weak and injured Henry. He was about to kill him off. Boris looked down at Henry and placed his paw on his chest, ready to crush it like he did with the fox. *Crack* His chest went. Suddenly Boris was grabbed by the head and thrown to the floor. He growled at the fox that now stood above him. Her large claw raised above her head. She brought her claw down and struck Boris through his deformed body. Her long metal fingers lodged into the tiles beĺlow Boris. She pulled her fingers from the tile floors. Boris' large heart was still stuck to her fingers. She growled at the now deceased Boris. Her children ran up to her and climbed on her shoulders. She limped away from the Ball room.

Henry stood up holding his chest. He only caught a small glimps of a metal foot leaving the room. "NO! NO NO NO! Why can you ever just die?!" Alice ran into the Ball room ready to kill off Henry herself. That was until a sword entered through her chest. Alice fell to the ground. But what he saw in front of him was a look-a-like Alice and another Boris.

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