Chapter Eleven

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Henry Stein's pov

It was pitch black. "I see you there. A new fly in my endless web. Come along now. Let's see if you're worthy to walk with angels." The so called angel said. How she had said it made it seem like she was tuanting me. There is something about her that I just don't trust. There was a door open which led to two paths. There was a sign in front of me that had two arrows pointing down each path. The sign that pointed to the left said Demon the o had devil horns. On the right said Angel the G in angel had a halo above it. The angel route was clean and had a sofa. The Demon's route was flooded with ink.
I decided the Demon route would be a good choice. There is something about that Alice Angel that I don't like. In the corner of the room that was flooded with ink was an audio log sitting on a chair. The name read Joey Drew himself.

Voice Of: Joey Drew


"There's nothing wrong with dreaming. Wishing for the impossible is just human nature. That's how I got started. Just a pencil and a dream. We all want everything without even having to lift a finger. They say you just have to believe."
"Belief can make you succeed."
"Belief can make you rich."
"Belief can make you powerful."
"Why with enough belief you can even cheat death itself."
"Now that... is a beautiful., and positively silly thought."


I walked down the hall making a few more rights and then I came up to this door. Just a few steps further was a Bendy cutout that popped out in front of me. I turned the corner and saw Boris. "Oh! Boris you scared me to death. Don't suppose you found anything we can protect ourselves with." Boris held one of those Gent pipes in his hand. "This will do." I opened the door and we entered a room with toys stacked on every shelf Bendy, Alice, and Boris toys. Some of those jumbo plushies sat on the floor. There were ink puddles everywhere.
On the wall were four Bendy clocks swinging there legs side to side. *Tic-toc toc-toc, tic-toc* The time read five, thirty-seven. We went up to this metal door, there was a switch to the right of the door next to this Bendy statue. "Looks like to open this door we're going to have to throw two levers at once. You get this one I'll go find the other one."

I went down a path to my right and saw another audio log. The name read Wally Franks and Thomas Conner.

Voice Of: Wally Franks and Thomas Conner


Wally: "Alright let's go over this again. If the pressure goes over fourty-five, I screw the safety bolt in tighter, right?"

Thomas: "No! For the last time, you do that, you'll blow every pipe in this place. If it reaches fourty-five, you unhook the safety switch."

Wally: "You sure? You know, this sounds harder than comparing ear wax to bees wax!"

Thomas: "Look, it's not that difficult! Just keep an eye on the gauge!"

Wally: "Look pal, if you think I'm doing my job AND yours, I'm outta here!"


The switch wasn't on that side. There was another path that was straight ahead. The path lead to a dead end on the wall ahead of me was a Butcher Gang poster and of to the left side was the switch. I walked closer to the switch. The switch was just in my reach, but then what looked to be a deformed version of Charlie the leader of the Butcher Gang. I kept my distance from the ink monster and kept hitting it with the Gent pipe repeatedly. After the fifth hit The Butcher Gang member fell. It's ink sunk into the ground.

I quickly went back to Boris and we both went through the door. Down the stairs in the room was a lift. Boris and I walked into the lift. That's when her voice came on. "You're so interesting... so different. I have to say, I'm an instant fan. Looks like you've got a date with an angel! Come to me now. Level Nine. Just follow the screams."

We reached Level Nine. "Come on, step out of you're cage. There's a whole twisted world out here." Boris and I walked down the stairs and towards a metal door just past the gate and just past the stairs. The door opened and Boris ran through. I chased after him. In the room was an ocean of ink and around the room was a bunch of clones of The Butcher Gang members and Boris himself. I walked on a bridge of planks that led to another metal door across the ink. "Look around. It took so many to make me so beautiful. Anything less than perfect was left behind. I had to do it. She made me." That so called angel opened the door. I was now in a room with a deformed Alice Angel and another Charlie. Alice was electovuting the Butcher Gang member. She suddenly stopped.

"Hm. Now we come to the question... Do I kill you? ...Do I tear you apart to my heart's delight? The choice of the beautiful is unbearable. How's a girl to choose? Take this little freak for instance! He crawled in here... Trailing his tainted ink to my door! It could have touched me! It could have pulled me back!!"
Her voice was distorted and it was kind of creepy.
"Do you know what it's like? Living in the dark puddles? It's a buzzing, screaming well of voices! Bits inside your mind, swimming... like... like fish in a bowl!! The first time I was born from it's inky womb, I was a wriggling, pussing, shapless slug. The second time... well... It made me an angel!" I rolled my eyes at the angel. "I will not let the demon touch me again. I'm so close now. So... almost perfect. Yes. I will spare you. For now. Better yet... I'll even let you ascend and leave this place. If you will do a few eensy, weensy little favors for me first. Return to the lift, my little errand boy. We have work to do!"

With that the angel went back to electrocuting the Charlie clone. I walked out of the room with all the dead clones and on a little island was a shelf with a desk. And on that desk was an audio log. The name read: Susie Cambell.

Voice Of: Susie Campbell


"Who would have thought? Me having lunch with Joey Drew! Apparently times are tougher than I thought."
"Fir a moment there. I thought I'd be stuck with the check. But I gotta say, he wasn't at all what I expected."
"Quite the charmer."
"He even called me Alice."

"I liked it."


I walked back to the room where the lift was before I could pass the gate, Alice had stopped me.

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