Chapter Twenty-Two

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(So just a little warning before you start there will be a gore warning and I will put it in detail. If you don't like it I will let you know when it is over.) (Also please play the music.)

Henry Stein's pov

I exited the ink filled room and crawled back through the vents. *thud, thud, thud, thud* My knees pounding on the vents. My legs started hurting from all the crawling. I wouldn't be surprised if I had bruises on my knees. I went straight across the vent. The vent had a gross smell to it making it difficult for me to move onwards. The vent was covered in rust. The room I came up to was pitch black. All the rooms had no light switches, they were automatic. I didn't move, I was blinded by the darkness. The only light sourse were the candle lights. But that wasn't enought for me to see. The lights flickered a couple times it wasn't bright enough. The light flashed on for a couple of seconds and for those couple of seconds in front of me was a sight that was unsightly. It was unbearable to look at. I coughed and gagged throwing up the food I had earlier. I turned away from the scenery in front of me. I noticed three pedestals to the right side of me. The one closest to me had the rose pin sitting there.

(Gore warning)

The room was covered in dry blood and ink making the smell disgustingly unbearable. Around the room were the words: I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry. I'm Sorry. Written on every wall repeatedly. In front of me were three mangled bodies of three little girls no older than seven or eight. They were just hanging there wires around there fragile little necks. Two wire entered through their mouths and exited through there eyes, making them eyeless. Blood had seeped from there eyes, but the blood had dried over the years they were here. The room was like some kind of shrine for the three children. Candles sat on chairs and crates that sat in corners.
The first girl had messy light brown hair that still had her curls. Her dress was once a pretty pastel pink color with white ribbins. The dress was now stained with red and ink, and dirt. It was shredded at the chest and lower abdomen. Her chest was split wide open showing her insides. Her heart and lungs were still there and part of her intestines were dangling and swaying slightly. Her arms and legs had scrapes and brusies. Her finger nails were missing and her actual finger had cuts with dried blood around them. Almost like she had struggled. Her left leg was broken. Her right leg was covered in blood and scratches. Her shoes were that were once white had mold and ink on them.

The second girl had long brown hair that was messy as well. She wore a yellow sun dress that was now stained with her blood. Her arms and legs wore completely broken and were still dangling from the skin. Her legs were missing completely the bones were broken at the knee as if someone stepped on them repeatedly. Pieces of skin wee torn of her body. Her shoes were coated in blood.
The last girl had short blonde hair and a pastel blue dress. Her face was torn at the cheek, the skin was just hanging by a thread. Her arms were bloody and she had bruises and scratches littering her body. Her lower abdomen was completely gone. Below her were her dried up intestines. Her legs were somewhere around the room. Her hand was missing as well.

These children didn't deserve this kind of pain.

(Gore ended do not blame me because I gave you a FUCKING warning)

Speakers made static noises. The lights flashed and it was pitch black. The three of girls were right in front of me the ghostly laughter echoed around the room. I could hear their screams as well. Their bodies glowed in the darkness. The static grew louder and then it stopped.

"I remember when they first came in here. To this hell. They were so happy and their eyes were full of life. They were beautiful children so young and so innocent. They wandered around the first floor of the building and when they were ready to leave they couldn't escape. It was a sad sight to watch them panic in such a way. So I decided to bring them to my safehouse. We were like a family. One big happy family. They were the only good things that came down here. And I ruined it. Something happened to me. I couldn't control my actions. I...I completely blacked out. When I gained control again there was blood everywhere. I saw in front of me. Their teeny tiny little bodies all mangled and torn. I died inside. For the first time in years I was so happy that they were by my side. And I ruined it just like that. Something so innocent should have never come here."

I put the plush and the bow on the pedestals and left the room. I was about to go back through the vent that I originaly came through. *Thud, Bang, Bang, Thud!* I looked behind me to see three of those mangled foxes I quickly crawled through the vent. Their bodies rotating through the vents dragging their bodies towards me. I left the vent and bolted to the lift. "Boris! Open the lift!" I yelled to the cartoon wolf. He pressed the button and the gates opened. I pressed the button behind me and the gates closed. The three foxes muzzles went through the gate. I can only assume that they were glaring at me. They left the lift and back through the vents. I pressed the level Nine button and we were going back up to Alice.
I put the eye in the drop box. "It seems we've reached the end of my To Do list. Go back to the lift my little errand boy, it's time to go home." I went back to the lift with Boris. My eyes were filled with hope, but deep in the pit of my stomach I knew I couldn't go back to the exit.

"Have you ever wondered what Heaven feels like? I like to dream that it's quire beautiful. A soft valley of green grass, blanketed by a warm sun. I don't think I'll ever get to see it. Are you ready to ascend, my little errand boy? The heavens are waiting. . . . Hahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHA!" The lift went down fast. "Did you really think I'd let you steal from me?! Did you really think I would let you go?! No, Henry! I know who you are! And I know why you're here! And you will not stop what needs to be done! Now come down and BRING ME BACK MY BORIS! It's the most perfect Boris I've ever seen, and I want it! I need it. I need it's insides so I can be beautiful again! Don't you understand? Don't you get it?! Give him to me!! Or better yet, I'll take him! Once. . . You're. . . DEAD!!"


My vision was blurry the only thing I could see was Boris shaking me trying to pick me up. Alice walked up behind him. I tried to saysomething, but I couldn't find my voice. Boris was dragged into the darkness by Alice. My eyes closed and I was consumed in darkness.

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