Chapter One

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Kyle Aston's pov

I walked into the workshop with a smile on my face. 'This will be fun!' I needed to go find Miss Susie Campbell. Mr. Drew said that Susie wouls help me, seems how she's been doing this for a little while now. I've met Susie before. When she first came to the workshop. She told me how happy she was to be the voice of Alice Angel. She said that she felt like this character was apart of her. It's interesting how a simple cartoon character can make someone feel like that.


"Hi Susie!" I waved to the actress. Susie Campbell was in her late twenties she had curly blonde hair that reached her chin. She had eyes that looked like a beautiful Tiger's Eye gemstone. She stood at about 5'7. She is a sweet person her eyes are filled with determination. She always wore a smile. Her smile always made someone's day. "How are you today Kyle?" "I'm good," I said. "I'm a bit nervous though." Susie gave me a warm smile. "You'll do just fine. I know you will," Susie placed both of her hands on my shoulders. "It's like having a conversation with someone." Alice hugged me. I thought it over and over. 'I'll do just fine, I know I will. Everything will be fine.'
I read over the script that I was given. Then I started acting it out. I went into the recording room, I was ready. 'Alice was right. It's just like having a conversation.'


Just before I left the studio I saw my friend Henry. He was getting ready to leave too. I walked up behind him quietly. "BOO!" I yelled Henry jumped and turned in my direction. "Kyle! Oh you scared me." I smiled. "You want to get a coffee with me?" Henry smiled. "Sure, let me get the rest of my things and we can go." Henry is a handsome man he's in his late twenties too. He has brown, messy hair and brown eyes. He has a little facial hair, and he stands at about 5'11.
Henry and I walked into the Coffee shop and ordered our drinks. "How was your first day of being an actress?" He asked. "It went well. I was really nervous at first." "I glad that it went well for you." I smiled. "Do you already miss me up in the Art Department?" "Maybe." I laughed. "You'll do just fine with out me. If anything it's probably a break for you from having to deal with me." Henry smirked. "Yeah, but I'm so use to having you bother me all the time." "I'm not that annoying." We sat there laughing and talking about our day. It was nice.

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