Mutual Losses (35)

Start from the beginning

Getting my attention, Robert shakes his head, "Still no response from the outpost itself. Got scattered signals originating further inland, military frequency. Nothing solid yet, but they're definitely friendlies."

"Where exactly?" I strictly inquire, not liking the implications this is making. Under normal circumstances, these units should have no reason venturing beyond the perimeters. An issue further highlighted by the standing contingency.

"West in general, can't say how far yet," he answers, partly focused pinpointing the signal's origin. "Still working on triangulation, but I can say it's nowhere near our position. Anything solid I'll inform you right away."

Alright," I reply, satisfied with leaving it at that temporarily.

Bringing up the map, I use the rising sun to orient myself to the cardinal directions while scoping out the quickest way towards the Taskforce's silent outpost. Facing the northwest, I signal the strike force to advance with a verbal command.

My ears pick out a transmission, attention now balanced between the thick foliage ahead and the contents of the message. "Drop confirmed, moving to stationary on Grid Oscar one-seven."

The attack helicopters having completed the insertion phase of the mission, begin heading towards Visegrad's previously mentioned satellite isle, minimizing fuel consumption and by extension their stay on here by landing on it.

Their departure is signaled by the gradually decaying sound of their rotors, inciting a quick look from me at their retreating forms, their intended destination visible from my position, a smear of grey emerging from the blue horizon.

"They're coming from the western coastline, still continuing to register the pings. For whatever reason they're... not actively trying to establish contact," Robert references the previous topic, a hint of worry present in his voice.

"Possibly a warning for us. We have to assume outpost communications are compromised." I muse, a frown cemented on my lips. To a certain extent, this was to be expected.

The chances are next to zero, but I won't disregard the possibility of the locals being able to figure out the gist of military grade radio equipment. The very idea would have been amusing, if not for the grim context behind it. I gain nothing by attempting to downplay their intellect.

"Switch to local comms, maintain radio blackout until I decide otherwise." I say, coating my tone in a definitive edge. Robert follows through, my eyes noting his compliance in lieu of a verbal reply.

Until we confirm the operational status of the research outpost, linking up with these possible friendlies will have to wait. Hopefully, I am inferring their signal's intended hint correctly.

Spearheading the advance, I double my efforts in spotting out any irregularities with each cautious step forward. Stopping for a moment I act out a new gesture, directed at the squad leaders of 1-3 and 1-4 instructing them to take on a more forward position on the left and right of my team respectively.

Both of them respond with a nod, relaying my command to their squadmates with the appropriate gestures, silently positioning them to optimize coverage of the sides. With the new formation cemented, we continue unabated into the forest, inching ever closer to the unresponsive UN outpost.

Aside from the slight shifting of the undergrowth and occasional twig snapping beneath our boots, there is little that would give our presence away. Anyone not equipped with thermal would be hard pressed to spot us hidden amongst the vegetation, the black plating more than sufficient against the dark curtain provided by the forest canopy.

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