Chapter 21

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Placebo Girl 21

Hollis's POV

As I stand from the table at table at Kerr's, I scan the room for the nice waitress who never came with my bill. As I scan the back booths, I narrow my eyes that I'm sure are playing tricks on me. As I look closer, I realize it is him. It's Luke. He's dressed in my green sweatshirt and his waves are tousled. He's got my camera in front of him that I'd accidentally left at the apartment. He smiles and lifts a frosty looking glass up to his lips, taking a sip of water. It's a sight for sore eyes and the fact that he's wearing my sweatshirt tugs on my heart strings.

I smile back and make my way over to him.

"What are you doing, Luke?"

He smiles bigger, his eyes brightening under the fluorescents

"I was going to meet up with you," he says, "but I saw you reading your book and I just couldn't disturb you. You looked so peaceful so I just waited over here."

My mind runs wild as I consider this, comprehend that he's this perfect. Sometimes, I feel that I can't accept that he's this way, so caring and kind to anyone he cares about, and even most strangers. I swear, back home, he wasn't this nice.

Then again, maybe I just didn't want to believe that he was. Like that day I sat at their lunch table after Andy left town. He came up to me and suggested that I sit with the girls from my soccer team. Was he really just looking out for me? This is the only time I remember actually talking to him, apart from one-sentence questions that always ended in one-word responses. I guess I just wanted to believe everyone was out to get me and not even for a moment did I consider that maybe he was being genuine instead of trying to get rid of me when I was at his lunch table.

He was like this the whole time and I never even noticed. Me thinking he was a dumb jock was just because he's goofy and likes to joke around at times, but he's not dumb and he's definitely not rude. How could Mary want to end things with him?

"You might be the best person I've ever known," I say easily.

I say it because I'm not sure how much time left to tell him these things and because I know he deserves to hear them

He smiles.

"Your waitress asked if I had a twin brother."

I groan, saying, "Please tell me you didn't pay for my shit again."

"Sorry, Anderson, but I did."

I roll my eyes and attempt to pull him from the booth, making a mental reminder to put some cash in his wallet when he isn't looking later. At first he doesn't stand, leaving me there tugging uselessly at his arm, but a moment later, he smiles big and stands. He's mere inches from me and I look into his burning eyes, mine momentarily flicking down to look at his pink lips.

"You could just ask to kiss me," he says playfully.

I lean in and just as he's about to meet my lips, I dodge and lick the side of his cheek. I know how he feels about spit, but even so, I enjoy the look of horror on his face, how his eyes widen and his lips part.

"You did not just do that," he says, wiping relentlessly at the side of his cheek, making a red mark there.

I smile and after a few moments of him rubbing at my cheek, he smiles.

"I guess it really shouldn't gross me out, having your spit on me. After all, I do thoroughly enjoy making out with you."

"Really?" I say and he grins, attaching his lips to mine, setting fire within me.

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