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When you met the dramatic Agatsuma Zenitsu, you were in for one hell of a ride.

You were an attractive person, and had an attractive personality. It was no surprise that Zenitsu wanted you to marry him. He would beg you constantly. "Constantly", as in every single day.

"(Y/N), PLEASE MARRY ME. I WANT A BEAUTIFUL SPOUSE BEFORE I DIEEEEEEE. I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIEEEEEE!!" He would dramatically cry, tugging at your Demon Slayer Corps uniform, his salty tears staining the material.

"Zenitsu, please, this isn't the time to play games." You'd scold him, somehow calmly. Even his friends were surprised at how you could calm the boy down so easily. The tone of your voice was always intoxicating, so witnesses assumed that's how you managed to chill Zenitsu out.

However, on this particular day, you gave into Zenitsu's confessions of love.

The two of you were assigned to go on a mission together at a nearby village, which had been experiencing multiple human casualties.

"I-I don't know if I can do this, (Y/N)." Zenitsu doubted, his palms feeling sweaty. His fear for demons still remained, even when he has been in the Corps for some time.

"We'll be fine, Zenitsu-kun. We have each other. I'm sure it isn't a difficult demon to go against." You replied, giving him a warm smile. Boy, did that smile melt his heart.

"You're right. I'll protect you no matter what!" Zenitsu promised you, feeling slightly better than before and more on the optimistic side.

You laughed, intertwining your fingers behind your back, "I can fight for myself, too."

"O-OF COURSE, (Y/N)! I WOULD NEVER DOUBT YOUR STRENGTH!?" Zenitsu yelled after realizing his little mess up, a dark crimson rushing to his face.

"Ara, Ara~ Don't worry about it, Agatsuma-san. I'm not offended." You reassured him, waving your hands in a back-and-forth motion.

The time of night had arrived, and in a few short moments, the demon had reared it's ugly presence in front of the two of you. You two were on the outskirts of town, in a park.

If you were honest, that creature was horrifying as hell.

The fight was difficult. The demon itself was no where near the strength of a Kizuki. However, it could hold it's own very well. Throughout the fight, you were the one landing a few blows, but your stamina was depleting.

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