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The sweet smell of fried rice and kobachi side dishes wafted throughout the home you resided in. You were cooking passionately tonight, your love and care inserted into every single ingredient. Cooking was your pride and joy, especially when you cooked for your partner.

You hummed in delight, inhaling the fumes from the steam. When you weren't satisfied with the taste test, you would add some salt or some more vegetables. You wanted to make tonight memorable, and delicious.

Making sure the fried rice was just right, you placed a towel over the cooking bowl to maintain the steam. Your childhood best friend and boyfriend Kyojuro hadn't returned for the night. He did mention his evening mission might take longer than usual, but you wanted to time his arrival and the dinner just right. It was late, but you didn't mind at all.

You would do anything to make your Kyojuro as happy as possible.

You lit multiple candles in your home, preparing for the Flame Hashira's arrival. The sweet floral scent of the candles lightly danced throughout the house. The two smells of the dinner and the candles mixed together in harmony. It was perfect.

You heard a light knock and the sliding of the front door. You let your hair untangle from being pulled back to cook and made sure you looked as cute as possible. You didn't want your boyfriend to think you were a slug. That would not be fair to him. You desired an equal relationship, so you always put your best self out there, since he would always do the same.

"(Y/N)! I'm home, love!" The booming voice echoed throughout the house.

You slid on your socks, gliding on the wooden floors and popped your head over the corner of the wall, smiling.

"Darling! I'm so glad to be home." Kyojuro gave you his infamous smile, sighing in relief. In the blink of an eye, he embraced you, spinning you around.

"Welcome home!" You greeted, still laughing from the unexpected embrace-spin combo. Oh, how much you loved when he embraced you.

The man put you down before cupping your cheeks and squishing them. He really loved your cheeks. And everything else about you.

"Don't tell me you cooked for me again."

"A hardworking man deserves a good meal, firefly." You pointed to his chest, knowing that he worked so hard that it was the least you could do for him.

"Oh my, (Y/N)...I don't deserve you." Kyojuro told you genuinely, giving you a slight peck on the cheek before taking off his haori and hanging it.

"So, what's for dinner?"

"Fried rice with kobachi on the side. I made a ton of it, just enough for you." You said, walking over to the bowls and unveiling them. The steam still remained.

Kyojuro snaked his hands around your waist from behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder and looking at the delightful meal.

"You're the best." He mumbled, holding you tight against his chest. You simply giggled.

"I know. Now dig in before it gets cold." You scolded jokingly as the Hashira immediately grabbed his meal.

The two of you sat next to each other in a comfortable silence, eating the food delightfully. Kyojuro did not hesitate to tell you how delicious it was about five hundred times. You would simply nod and reply with a "I just like to cook."

And yet, the Flame Hashira always made you feel so special and warm inside. Even if you were not a Demon Slayer yourself, you still desired to help out the Corps. You were taught under Shinobu Kocho in pharmaceutics and medicine, so you were no stranger to knowledge. You may not be physically strong, but the love of your life never faltered when telling you how talented, attractive, and special you were.

After you finished the dinner, you were washing the dishes with Kyojuro insisting on helping you. You couldn't say no.

"You wanna know something, (Y/N)?" Kyojuro asked, his tone lighthearted, yet serious.

"Hm? What is it?" You responded, pausing your dish cleaning and looking at him quizzically.

"I am so in love with you."

You nearly dropped the dishes. Even though he told you the phrase 'I love you' before, this one felt different.

You neatly placed the dishes down before facing him, "You mean that, firefly?"

He placed his hands on your waist before bringing you in closer to him. He gently placed his fingers on your chin before kissing you lightly.

You always felt butterflies in your stomach whenever he kissed you, no matter how many times he did it.

The kiss was short, but he gazed at you longingly before cupping your face.

"I mean it, (Y/N) (L/N), I am so in love with you."

You nearly fainted from the love struck emotion you were feeling right now. But you pulled yourself together, somehow.

"I am so in love with you too, Kyojuro Rengoku."


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