Harry and Louis listen to them sing, some sound awful but others are really talented as well.

They cuddle close during the love songs, looking at each other like there's no one else in the room.

After a while the owner of the pub enters the stage and starts to do a little speech.

"The next artist is gonna be a special one. He has performed here many times already and is a personal friend as well. I now welcome to the stage..Louis Tomlinson".

The people in the pub clap their hands as Louis gets up and gives Harry a final kiss before going on stage. Harry looks like the proud boyfriend he is as Louis takes the microphone in his hand and starts to say a few words.

"Good evening. As you may already know, my name is Louis. Unlike the usual times, I'm actually not alone tonight. I brought someone with me who is really special to me. He's the love of my life and my inspiration for everything I'm ever doing. I recently wrote a few songs about him, about us. And I'd like to perform one of them for you tonight. This one is called 'Home'."

Harry looks at Louis with an open mouth.

Did he really write a song about him?

His green eyes meet Louis' blue ones before a few sounds can be heard.

Louis starts to open his mouth and the most angelic voice that Harry has ever heard came out of it. Saying that Louis sings incredible would be an understatement.

Tears build up in Harry's eyes as Louis' sings the lines 'And it's alright. Calling out for somebody to hold tonight. When you're lost, I'll find the way, I'll be your light.You'll never feel like you're alone. I'll make this feel like home'.


Because that's what it feels like when they're together.

They're home.

As Louis finishes the song, Harry is full on sobbing and Louis as well has tears in his eyes.

The crowd erupts into big applause but the only thing that Harry sees is Louis.


His Louis.

His home.

He just can't take it anymore as he runs up the stage and into Louis' arms.

They hug each other like it's the last time they will do so and kiss each other like there's no one else in the room.

"I can't believe you did this for me" Harry says with a trembling voice.

"So I guess you liked it?" Louis says with a giggle, another tear escaping his eyes. "I loved it. You sing amazing and the song is amazing. You are amazing" Harry says as he kisses Louis once again.

"I love you" Louis whispers into Harry's ear like it's a secret. A secret that only Harry gets to know.

"I love you too Lou".

Both boys leave the pub to get some fresh air. A cold breeze hits their faces as Louis smokes.

"Wanna go home?" Louis asks.

"Why should I? Home is already here" Harry says. "I just stopped crying Harry please" Louis says with an exaggerated sigh.

He takes a step closer to Harry and kisses him. "Go through the park?" Louis asks. "Yes" Harry agrees and they both make their way over to the park.

The sky is cloudless that night, making it a sky full of stars. As they go by a little lake, Harry stares at the way the lakes surface reflects the the stars.

Louis notices his staring and asks "wanna lay down and look at the stars?".

"Can you read my mind?" Harry asks. "I'm your soulmate. That's what I do" Louis simply says as he drags Harry over to the lake.

They lay down on Louis' jacket, cuddling close since it's a bit fresh that night.

"Look at those. They look like a ship" Harry says while he's pointing to the sky.

"Where the fook do you see a ship there?" Louis asks with a laugh.

Harry just takes Louis' hand in his and points their intertwined fingers at a bunch of stars. "There" he says as he tries to trace the outline of the 'ship'.

"That's not a ship. That's a compass for sure" Louis states.

"What no? Where do you see that?" Harry asks with a frown.

"Honestly? The only thing I see are a bunch of stars. But a compass leads the ship and brings it home. It fits us" Louis simply says and Harry smiles as he looks down on their intertwined fingers.

"What are you thinking about so deeply beautiful?" Louis asks. "Nothing" Harry says silently.

"You wanna get it tattooed" Louis says which makes Harry look up in shock as he asks "How can you know that?".

"Soulmates" Louis says.

"But I'll only get one if you get one as well. We could get a matching one" Harry says in excitement.

"Matching tattoos. Is a scary thing to me. It's like a lifelong bond" Louis says as he turns his head and looks at Harry's green eyes.

"Let's do it" Louis says before closing the gap between their lips, kissing the love of his life under the sky full of stars.

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