Forever Mine

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Thanks to my dear friend @Dobby113 for the idea of this chapter! I also got some of the idea from anne with an e season three. Like usual lol. It's sad, also like usual....

El's POV*

It had been a dreary Sunday morning. We had just got out of church and was driving home. I stared blankly out my window as the drops of rain raced to the bottom and out of sight. I always imagined the raindrops having races, something I never grew out of. "It's a shame isn't it." I said as I sat myself up properly and looked at Mike. "What is?" He asked, not moving his eyes from the road. "Marianas passing. We used to go to cooking classes together every Sunday after church. I wish there was something for Hannah to remember her with. How I long to have known my parents." I sadly sighed and I felt Mike put his hand on mine. He didn't say anything, I mean what could you say to that? "I know." Was all he said and I smiled at him, almost the same way I did at the hospital in the summer of '85 when we shared M&M's. "Isn't this Ericas house?" I asked Mike as I sat up even more in interest and a little bit of anger. "Yeah why?" Mike asked kinda worriedly. "Slow down!" I ordered when I noticed something's oddly unsettling about it all. "It's that Dustins car?" I asked and Mike showed down enough, almost enough to come to a complete stop. "Let's get home. I'm gonna call him." I said and Mike drove off. "Mariana d-died," I choked out. "Half a year ago. I'm glad he's moving on, but with Erica? Really?" I asked Mike as he didn't say his thoughts out loud. "What are you thinking?" I asked him and he didn't say much besides "what the hell was he doing there?" I giggled and looked out the window as the sky turned blue and the storm was finally over. We got home and I ran straight for the wall phone. I dialed Dustins number and there was no answer. "No answer." I said as I turned to Mike and he rested his head in his hands. "Ooh try Erica!" He rember we and I nodded. I quickly dialed her number in a blur. After the battle of starcourt we never talked much to her. Yes, she was at weddings and special events, but it never was the same. "Hello?" Erica asked and I smiled politely even though she couldn't see my face. "Hey. Erica it's me, Eleven." She scoffed and ow as taken aback. Even if it was Erica we were talking about. "I know who you are." She said rudely and I sighed. "Look, Dustin's not answering, and we were wondering if he was at your house." I said, still trying to overlook her rudeness. "Who's that?" I heard Dustin ask in the background. "Sush! N-no he's not here. I really got to go." She said and quickly hung up. "What did she say?" Mike asked as he flipped through channels. "Basically that he wasn't there, even though I could hear him in the background. I sighed and can next to him. "I think your being paranoid. They'll tell us when they want." He said and extended his arm for me. I gladly took his offer and sat next to him. He kissed my head as I rested it on his shoulder.

I was walking down the streets. Max was in college, and it was lonely without her. I adjusted my coat on my arm, as it was way to cold outside. I walked to the post office when I was checking my mail I noticed something odd. From Erica, to El and Mike. I immediately ignored all of my other mail and opened her letter. I read it as I knew something was up. It was an invitation for a summer barbecue. I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion and walked out of the post office.

That night*

Mike had just gotten home. I ran over to him to show him the letter. "Ok Nancy Drew." He laughed. "What does this letter mean?" He asked as he took off his coat. "Well why else would she invite us? It must be something to do with her and Dustin!" I shouted as if I had know all along. "Ok. I guess we'll find out."

The summer barbecue*

"Mike hurry up! We're gonna be late!" I shouted as I tied my romper. It had sunflowers on a black background with cute petals that when you looked at them made you want to never change out of this outfit. "This is not the thing to be late for!" I giggled and grabbed my purse from the rack near the door. Mike trotted down the stairs and as soon as he reached the bottom I gave him a kiss. "Ok let's go." We walked out and got in the car. It seemed to take forever to Ericas house. We got here and saw Max and Lucas had already arrived. I got out and went inside to be closely followed by Mike. Dustin was there too, and was weirdly always whispering something to Erica. Everyone else didn't notice, but I did. The way they looked at each other, the way she giggled when he so much as walked by her. Giggles were not something Erica ever did. "We asked everyone to come because we have special news!" Erica shouted excitedly. "We're engaged!" Dustin shouted and everyone started clapping. We all went and hugged them. I knew, they wouldn't last for long, simply because he was Dustin and she was Erica. But I was happy for them. As long as they were happy, that's all that really matter. I was good with pretty much anything, as long as Mike was forever mine....

The end! I hate to be ending the book, mainly because their story has really only began. Though it must come to an end sometime. Thanks so much for reading this book! I can't believe it already has almost 3k views! Ilyasm!

 Thanks so much for reading this book! I can't believe it already has almost 3k views! Ilyasm!

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