Under the weather

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El's POV

I slowly woke up to an ache in my stomach. I pushed it off as I thought it was "girl problems." I looked at the clock and it was 4 in the morning. Mike was still asleep by my side so I slowly got out of bed. As my feel hit the cold floor I slowly shivered to myself. I went down the hall to adjust the thermostat and then to the bathroom. It was dark in our room and the hall way but I had to see to go to the bathroom. I turned on the lights and I tightly shut my eyes. The light was blinding. At least it seemed that way after you have been in a completely dark house. I looked in the mirror and thought I was kinda pale. I ignored that too thinking my eyes were just adjusting to the bright light of the house. I went to the bathroom and my stomach pain got worse. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I got some aspirin and went back to bed.

I woke up and the stomach pain was worse. Mike was not beside me so I figured he must be getting ready for work. I figured I better get ready to so I changed into some clothes. I walked past the thermostat and looked at it. I was so hot but it was only at 68. I walked downstairs and saw Mike. "Hey." He happily shouted. He looked at me and his smile faded. "You don't look so good. Your pretty pale." He said acting worried. He touched my checks and examined my face. I laughed and removed his hand from my cheek. I thought it was cute how much he worried about me. I walked to the coffee maker and poured coffee in my mug. "Is it hot in here to you?" I asked starting to sweat. "El are you sure your not getting sick?" He asked. I laughed. "Don't worry." I said.

I was at work and I started feeling kinda shaky. By nap time I felt worse than I had before. I hope I was not getting sick. I thought to myself. I went to the phone and called Veronica. "Hello?" Asked the cheery Veronica. "Hey it's um, it's El. I don't feel to good. Can you maybe sub today?" I asked grabbing the cord praying she could sub. I didn't really have the energy to watch after a bunch of kids. "Of course. I'll be there in 30." She cheerfully hung up. I then dialed the cabin wanting either mom or dad to answer. "Hello?" Dad asked. I was happy to hear his voice. "Hey. Dad can you pick me up from work?" I asked not having the energy to even walk home. I just wanted to be at home. "I don't feel so good and I know if I tell Mike he will freak out." I laughed. "Sure sweetie I'll be there soon." Dad laughed and hung up. I waited around thirty minutes and Veronica arrived. I waited a few more minutes knowing dad was always late. Right as I saw dad arrive Veronica took the kids outside for recess. I invited dad inside while I got my things together. "So you feeling ok?" Dad asked worried about me. I laughed. "Yeah I think and please don't turn into Mike. I can only take one of him." I laughed. "Jeez sometimes I feel like I'm dating a toddler." I laughed more. "Yeah that's what your mom says to me." Dad joined in the laugh. "Take that back I may not be fine." I held up my finger and ran to the bathroom. I burst in (Like Nancy when Jonathans developing photos😂) and ran to the toilet. When I was done I came back out and saw dad with a disgusted face. "What?" I asked wiping my mouth. "Uhhh you ok?" He asked weirdly. I laughed. "Yep yeah I'm fine." We walked out and got into the car. We went home and I went straight to the bedroom. I laid down in bed and I still felt sick. I had only gotten sick around twice in my lifetime so it was definitely not something I was used to. I saw dad walk in the room and he sat in a chair beside the bed just watching me. "Dad you're seriously turning into Mike." I laughed. "I'm not dying, you don't have to keep an eye on me twenty four seven." He sighed. "Yeah your right." He said scratching his beard and standing up. "I'm going to call your mom. Maybe she can make you some of her famous chicken noodle soup." He laughed. "That sounds amazing but I don't want her getting sick too." I smiled and dad tried to kiss me on the forehead. I held out my palm before he could do so. "Don't want you to get sick either." I laughed. "You are truly an angel on earth." Dad smiled. I laughed as I had no idea how to respond to that. He walked to the doorway. "Bye El. Let me know how you feel later." He smiled and held his hat in his hands. "Will do." I smiled sad to see him leave. I laid in bed and looked at the ceiling knowing that these next few days would be rough. I slowly but surely started falling asleep under the comfy sheets of Mike and I's bed.

I woke up to the sound of the door slightly opening. I figured it must be Mike so I was happy I wasn't alone anymore. I pretended to be asleep until he found me in the bedroom wanting to know his reaction. Sometimes it was funny when he worried about me and sometimes it was silly. I pretended to be asleep knowing he would freak out. I guess I was in the "scare mike" Mood. I heard footsteps walking down the hall. "El?" He asked. I still pretended to be asleep. I heard footsteps enter our bedroom and he ran to me and touched my cheek. My eyes popped open and I scared him half to death. "Jesus El!" He screamed but he was also laughing. "What can't take a joke?" I asked smiling at him. He took off his shoes and jumped into bed beside me. "So you are sick?" He asked wanting to be right but also not wanting me to feel bad. "Maybe." I laughed. "So you walked home from the daycare sick?" Mike asked getting another worried look on his face. I smiled and looked in the corner of my eyes while squinting them. "Not exactly." I said not wanting to tell him he was not my go to person to call when I felt sick. "She went to me." Dad said stepping in from the hallway. "Dad?" I asked shocked. "Why?" Mike asked like he had been left out of something great. "Because." I paused. "I knew you would worry about me." I laughed. "But if it makes you feel any better dad worried just as much as you." I smiled. "Did your mom come to?" Asked the laughing Mike. Mom stepped out behind dad and answered that for herself. "No i didn't come." She awkwardly stated. "Mom?" I yelled that kinda turned into a laugh. I stood up and got out of bed and Mike looked like I could break at any moment. I looked at him telling him not to over react. Mom walked up to me and hugged me with a bowl of soup in her hand. "You know your asking to get sick right?" I laughed and gently taking the soup from her grasp. "I know." She paused and looked into my dark eyes. "I wanna be with my baby girl." She held both of my hands. "Oh my gawdddd!" I moaned, tilted my head towards the sky and rolled my eyes. I laughed. "Can this moment get any more sappy?" We both laughed. Mike got out of bed and came over to kiss me. "Apparently it can, but Mike I'm not gonna kiss you. I don't want you to get sick." I smiled and held out my hand to his face. "Thank God!" Dad sighed. "If y'all kissed I knew for sure that I was gonna barf." He laughed while mom went over to him and lightly punched him on the shoulder. "Yeah well don't laugh about that now because throwing up is the worst feeling in the world." My mind went back to feeling sick. "Well we just wanted to drop that off. Will is at home so we better get going." Dad said. We said our goodbyes and Mike and I enjoyed some warm soup. That night I may have been sick but Mike didn't care. We treated it like any other night except with a few more trips to the bathroom. We watched movies and ate chicken noodle soup. All cuddled up and safe in each other's arms.

Guys so I may be making another story. It has nothing to do with stranger things but I should have the description and the cast up tomorrow for you to get the basics. I will only post once a week and not even that if I don't have time. Right now my biggest priority is this story and the other stranger things one. So sorry this is so long but so happy for you to read my new story. Oh well, night Loves. ❤️💘

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