Dirty secrets

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This is gonna be so sad so get out your tissues.

It was just a normal day. So far at least. Mike has been acting suspicious and so had dad. What were the not telling me? Mike skipped school today because he "felt bad." I did not believe this for a second I could always tell when my beloved Mike was lying to me. I pushed it off as he just didn't wanna do school today and I walked to work. It was a snowy day in Hawkins. I loved winter. Every breath you took was so crisp. So alive. I was happy when I got into the small building that would soon be filled up with little bodies coming in from the cold. I got to work early and realized I had left some coloring sheets for the kids at home. No one would be here for another 30 minutes so I had time to go back home and get them. I locked the door and walked back outside. Other than it was cold I didn't mind. I loved walking as beautiful snow flakes fell from the sky. I hated leaving footprints in the snow. Like I had disturbed a peaceful thing that Mother Nature provides us and I just used it as a thing to walk on. I knew I had to walk on it though, no matter how beautiful it was. I got to a huge building that had been home to me for a while. I got to my apartment and opened the door. "El!" What are you doing here?" The raven headed man asked nervously. "Forgot something."
I laughed and went over to our counter that consisted of around 15 coloring  sheets. "Ugh! There's a hole in my glove." I yelled. I laughed and went upstairs to change them. I heard dad arrive and stayed quiet upstairs trying to hear what they were talking about. "Kid we're gonna be late. I can't be late for this I need to know." He paused. "If I'm right about this it's, is gonna kill El." The distressed man said in a panic. What was he talking about. "I need to know if I have this cancer or not." "Hop no!" I heard Mike say knowing I was upstairs. I started slowly walking down the stairs. "C-cancer?" I asked. "Oh god." I heard dad mumble under his breath. "Um how much of that did you hear?" He asked. "Enough to know that, that your not ok." I replied sadly. "No no this is why I didn't wanna tell you. El I'll be fine. I probably don't even have cancer." He said as if I was stupid. I could sniff out a lie a mile away. "Yeah but, but if you do, what kind of cancer do you have?" He sighed and looked at Mike. Mike nodded. "L-leukemia." That one word pierced my heart. I fell to the floor on my knees and cried my eyes out. Mike was there to catch me. I couldn't believe it. The man that had raised me, the man that cared for me when I had no one else,the man that loved me more than anyone else in the world, the man that took me in as his own. Had cancer? "El he will be fine. I'm calling the daycare and your taking the day off." I didn't really pay attention to what he said I just remember him going to the phone and calling someone. He came back to me and helped me up. "You need to lay down. It will all be better I promise." He placed  me in our bed took of my shoes jacket and the one glove I managed to put on before I heard the shocking news that terrified me. He placed the covers over me and he left. All I remember is falling asleep soon after and all the daunting things of the world left my fragile mind.

Mikes POV*

I carried her to our bed and took off her shoes and jacket. I noticed the glove on her hand and took it off as well and put it on her bedside table. I put the blanket over her and left. I was going with Hopper he couldn't ask Joyce to take him because he hadn't told her either. I drove him to the doctor and he took some tests. We sat in the room waiting to hear back from the doctor to see if the news we feared was true. After a while the doctor walked in and I looked at hopper. He tried to be strong but you could tell he was scared for his life on the inside. "We have great news." The doctor said. "You don't have cancer. The cells we saw were not cancerous. At one point they may be. But for now they are not." She said smiling. "Your lucky sir." She left the room and I heard Hopper sigh a sigh of relief. "Thank God." He said aloud. "Let's go. El will be so happy." I said and I was headed out the door. "Do I tell Joyce?" I heard the middle aged man ask. "Yes. It may not matter now but she needs to know." I said thinking about how El would feel if it was the other way around. We got in her car and headed home. We walked in to see El happily rushing over to us and hugging dad. "I'm so glad your ok!" She said giving him a tight squeeze. "Me too, but how do you know?" She smiled. "I have the ability to spy on people and my dad could've had cancer. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna use it to know if you ok." She laughed. Hopper might have his bumps in the road but he always was ok. Nothing cold take him down. Even when he thought something bad would happen he always toughened up and fought. Fought for what he believed in. That's the kinda man I wanted to be. El was happy I was happy and by the expression on hoppers face you could tell he was happy as well. It had been a stressful day but just like he rest of them we got through it together and by the end of the day everything was fine and we were ready to go to sleep and fight whatever demons came in tomorrow's life challenge. It may be hard but whatever it was we would get through it together.

Told ya it was sad😂😭😭😭

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