An unexpected guest

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This is my favorite one to write so far. Hope you enjoy it!! Xoxo-Aria

El's POV

It was the long weekend. Thanksgiving was on Thursday and today was Tuesday. Today was the last day of work before the break so I was in a happy mood. We were all going to Lucas's college. It was the farthest away but we had not seen his college and we were all pretty eager. Especially Max who had not seen him since he started his semester. Mike had already left for school when I woke up. He had been getting there earlier for some reason. I pushed it off as I was exited. I walked to the daycare and waited for everyone to arrive. It was the middle of the day when Stella walked up to me. "Ms Ellie. My mommy has to go to LA for the long weekend. It's for business. She can't find anyone to keep me for the weekend. Can you pleaseeeeeeee keep me?" She asked with puppy dog eyes. I sighed. "What does your mommy think of this?" I asked trying to not to get mad that I had to babysit during Thanksgiving. "Oh she don't mind! She loves you. Your like a sister to her she told me." I smiled. "Ok then. You can stay with us while she's gone. We're going to see some of our friends though." She gave me the biggest grin and hugged me. "Thank you miss Ellie!!" I hugged back. I thought to myself. What will Mike do? I shoved that thought away and gave them coloring sheets to work on at  the now marker covered blue table. I called Stella over. She walked over to me with the brightest smile showing all of her crooked teeth. "Yes?" "When is your mom leaving for business?" I asked. "Today. I already have my bag packed. She pointed to the corner of the room to a suitcase I had not noticed before. "How did you know I was gonna say yes?" She somehow managed to smile bigger. "Because I know you." She threw me into a hug with her small body. "Go sit down class is almost over and you can come home with me. I'll tell your mom your with me." She happily skipped over to her spot in between her two friends Amy and Jenna. I laughed and shook my head. I continued to clean up for the long weekend. Once the clock hit 11:45 I told them to clean. "Kids you can finish your coloring pages at home over the weekend. I can't wait to see them next week." I called Veronica and told her that I was keeping Stella. Once it was just me and Stella we locked up and left. On our walk home she held my hand. "Thank you miss Ellie." I laughed. "Hey once we're off grounds you can call me El." We skipped along the sidewalk and into building number five. When we got inside the apartment her eyes widened. "Wow!" I giggled. How about you watch tv I'm going to call my boyfriend and tell him our new plans. She nodded. I went into the kitchen and grabbed the phone off the wall. I dialed the school hoping to speak to Mike. "Hello who is this?" His professor answered. "Hi this is El. It's Mikes girlfriend may I speak to him? "Sure is everything alright?" "Yes I just need to tell him something." He put Mike on the phone. "El? El are you ok?" "Mike don't be mad but um I'm going to have to bring Stella with us to Lucas's. Her mom is away." He took a deep breath. "Of course I'm not mad at you. She has no where to be and your her teacher. So of course I'm not mad at you." I was relieved. He hung up and I cleaned the house while she watched Tv. I got done and sat next to her. After a while Mike came home. "Hey." He said. I got up to give him a kiss.  After our moment was over he walked over to Stella. "Hi I'm Mike your teachers boyfriend. I heard your staying with us?" "Yeah!" She said excitedly. We both laughed. "How about we go to a restaurant and eat?" Mike asked. We both agreed and we were on our way. We all loaded up in the car and went to a restaurant. After we ate we went home and put her to bed. We had a guest bedroom so she slept in there. Me and Mike went back to our living room  and just talked. "She seems sweet" mike said. I kissed him. "Thank you for not being mad." He put his arm around me. "I could never be mad at you." I snuggled in and put the blanket over us as we watched a movie. Tomorrow we were leaving early in the morning for Lucas's. We fell asleep watching a movie and being together. It was around 4 in the morning and I woke up. It was raining and thundering. I went to Stella's room to see if she was ok. I walked in and saw her shaking under the covers. I sat down on the bed and flipped over the covers so I could see her. "Hey Stell. You ok?" She nodded. I hugged her. I picked her up and carried her to the couch and held her. "Don't cry. It's just a little rain. You can't make a rainbow without a little rain." She was still crying a little. I knew I needed to say more. "You know the best thing about rain? It always stops. And my favorite thing to do when it rains is to make cookies." She giggled. It woke Mike up. We put  on some Jim croche and danced in the kitchen while making cookies at 4 in the morning. We danced and laughed until it stopped raining. When it did we all fell asleep looking forward to the day that was to come the next day.

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