"Forevers a long time"

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El's POV

"Come on Max!" I yelled laughingly. "Fine be down in a sec." She yelled from the top of the stairs. Every year starcourt had a whole tribute to what happened all those years back where the mindflayer destroyed the original one. Each year on this day everything in every store was 50% off. Max walked down the stairs holding Sara's hand. "You two look lovely." I smiled. "But can we please go? I'm starving and we should eat first." I laughed buckling the girls into their car seats. I got up front and turned up the radio. We drove and drove but we finally reached starcourt. Yes, the same starcourt where I dumped my husband for lying to me. One good thing did come out of that. Ok well two. One, a beautiful friendship blossomed, and two, I learned that girls can make their own rules. We parked and got out. We went inside and we ate first just like I insisted. "Max watch the girls I'm going to the restroom." I sat my purse in my seat as a reminder that someone sat there. They surprisingly had pretty big restaurants in the mall so it took me a minute to find the bathroom. When I finally did I opened the door. Before I could go into a stall I saw a spider on the floor. One of my worst fears. I let a low scream and stepped on it with the heel of my boot. I was about to go into a stall but saw a middle aged woman who looked familiar. "I'm sorry but do I know you?" I asked as she came out. My jaw dropped as I finally realized who she was. "K-Kali?" She was at the sink now washing her hands but stopped when she heard her name and my voice. "Eleven?" She asked smiling. We ran and hugged. Max opened the door with an Ava and Sara in her arms. "El how long does it take to go to the ba-" she stopped her self realizing I was hugging a random woman. "Max t-this is Kali. My sister." Kali waved. "Is she one of  the friends you needed to go take care of?" Kali laughed kinda annoyed that I left her for some friends. "Actually no." I paused. "Not at first. At first we didn't like each other. But we're best friends now." I went over to Max and hugged her and then took Ava out of her arms. I walked back over to Kali. "I'm glad I went back though. If I hadn't I would never of had her. I pointed to Ava. "Or my wonderful husband. Or my brother, or my friends, or my mom, or my dad. But I did miss you. But if I hadn't of gone back they would probably all be dead." I shuttered at the thought of remembering how it felt after we took down the mindflayer and thinking dad was dead. "Jeez El." Max laughed. "Kali. Why did you do what you did? How did you not think it was wrong to-" max stopped me. "Look I'm all in for a conversation with your sister I just now found out about but in the bathroom?" She asked. I rolled me eyes and laughed. We went back to our table and started talking. "So this is your life?" She asked. I'm smiled. "Yeah it's pretty great." She nodded sadly. "Do you not have a family?" I asked her. She shook her head. "Oh Kal I'm I'm so sorry I just thought that you would be married and have a family or something." I said apologetically. "Don't be how were you supposed to know." She replied with a fake happy tone but a sad expression on her face. "So you two are married?" She asked. "Yes. Not to each other." She laughed. We both replied but I kept on going. "You know those friends I had to go save? Those were our future husbands. Well two were. The other two was my best boy friend and the other was my brother." I replied. "Wow that's a long complicated love story." She laughed. "Yeah. Today is actually the anniversary of us killing a monster." I replied coolly, forgetting that she had no idea about the monsters. "What?" She asked. The whole time we ate lunch I was filling my sister in on the monsters and all the demons this town had to offer back in the 80's. When I was finally done telling her she looked shocked. "I know right." I laughed circling my straw around my drink. "So where do you live?" She asked wanting to know more about me. After all we had been separate for our whole lives almost. "Well We're neighbors." I smiled pointing to Max. "And we don't live in the country or the city. But I have horses on about 80 acres." I confessed. "How the hell can you afford that?" She asked with curiosity barreling out of her. "Kali!" I glared at her reminding her there were two 3 year olds playing with their food. We talked and talked for hours on end not even realizing it. A nice teenage walked up to us. She was slim with long black hair and rosy checks. "I'm sorry but you must leave now. It's night time and the mall is closing." We gathered our things and were on our way. "Kali where do you live?" I asked her with Hope I'm my caramel eyes that she didn't still live in that old factory. "Um in the factory." She replied. Well there goes that hope. "You don't still k-kill people do you?" I asked her sadly. She lowered her eyes for she knew it was an awfully dreadful sin to commit. "No. I stopped that after you left. I knew it was awful. It was so sad to see people breathe their last's breaths in pure agony. Even if they did torture us." I took a deep breath not ready for what was going to come out of my glossed lips. "You can stay with Mike, Ava, and I. We have three rooms." I sighed. She may be my sister but how would Mike feel? I pushed that aside and picked up Ava. Max did the same but with Sara and we walked to our car. We arrived at home and Sara and Ava started playing tag in our yards. It was dark out but they didn't care. They didn't think of all the dangers of the dark. I turned on the patio lights so they could see what they were doing. Me and Max talked for a while when Lucas and Mike came from our house. Usually if me and Max went out for a girls day they would invite the guys over and they would do whatever it was boys did at this age. Lucas and Mike walked out Will and Dustin following closely behind. "Hey your home!" Mike ran to me and hugged me. Ava then ran over to him and hugged his leg. He picked her up and we all shared a group hug. Kali then interrupted causing Mike to notice her. "Is your life filled with this sappy crap?" She asked in an annoyed tone. Mike looked startled. "Um El who's this?" He asked worriedly. "Mike this is my sister. Kali. She's the one who dressed me up as if I was teen convict." I laughed. "She's going to be staying with us until she can find a place to stay." I said my words brave but my voice shaky. "Ok." He said coolly. He put the anxious Ava down. She then ran to Sara who was hugging closely to her mothers leg. They went about playing hide and seek and I smiled at the thought of how far I had come from that scared little girl in the lab.

Kali has gotten settled in and Ava was in bed. Mike was taking a shower and me and my sister who I had not seen in what seemed like an eternity. We were sipping hot cocoa by the fire. "You have a wonderful life." I turned down the tv and turned to her. "You think so?" I asked with doubt seen clearly in my face. "Yes I do! You have a brother, a mom and dad, a wonderful and absolutely hot husband, and a daughter who looks up to you and I'm sure they all love you." She replied. I smiled realizing I did have it pretty good and I didn't deserve it. "Yeah but I don't deserve it." She almost spilt her drink at that foolish thought I had. Well she thought it was foolish. "El, you do to deserve it. When I did those bad things to people you found out you were better than that. And from what you told me today, you risked your life multiple times for your friends, and last but not least you stood up to papa. You left and if you hadn't you might still be there and you wouldn't be here." She hugged me. "Now I got to go to bed it's late." She added putting her drink on the table and making her way up to the stairs. Mike walked down and we went to bed too. It had been a great but hectic day. I was happy to have my sister back and realize I did deserve what I had. I had a family and I did deserve it. I went to bed that night knowing I was loved and was in the arms of my one and only Mike Wheeler.

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