A Little to Good

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El's POV

"Whooooo and Ava for the win!" I yelled running and pushing her stroller down the isle. I walked down the isle to get eggos when I saw a flyer for karaoke at a bar. I snatched the flyer away from the board it was stapled onto. I always loved to sing. Opera to be exact. Max was always good at songs so she taught me to sing. I used to sound like a car motor but she taught me to be pretty good. Music was the thing I could escape to when bad things happened. I checked out and went home to the new house. We still had not unpacked most of our things and I missed our apartment. We got out of the car and I carried her over to Max's with me. I walked in knowing Max didn't care. After all she walked into mine all the time. I saw her in the kitchen with Sarah crying and Max forcing her to eat. "Need help?" I asked knowing she had been trying to make her eat for hours. She nodded thankfully and got up from her seat to let me sit there. I handed her Ava and she stood beside the chair. "So guess what?" I asked and smirked. "Oh no. I know that look. Either you want me to do something or-" but I cut her off. "Correct!" I yelled but still feeding Sarah. I handed her the flyer from my pocket and she read it. "Ok." She shrugged and put the flyer on the table. "Wait really?" I asked happily turning around. She nodded. "Yeah I love to sing." She said. "Good it's tonight." I said and her eyes widened. "Tonight? As in tonight tonight?" She asked making sure she heard right. I nodded and smiled. "What will we sing?" She asked. I shrugged. "Oooh what about the first one you taught me!" I shouted. She tried hard to think but couldn't remember. "That song from that movie about candy." I said not remembering the name. "Ohhhh you mean Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah that song called umm. Oh pure imagination!" I shouted finally remembering it. "Remember we did a duet for my dad and and Mike and they loved it." I laughed. She laughed. "Ok then. "OMG! REMEMBER THAT DANCE WE DID?" I remembered a silly dance we made up to the song. She laughed and nodded. We practiced and practiced that whole afternoon until Lucas walked in the door with Mike following closely behind. The babies were sitting on the stair steps playing with their toes while we sang and did that silly dance. The bad thing is that we didn't see the guys till they had seen our whole dance. "Wonderful ladies. May we ask what that was for?" Lucas snickered. We sharply turned around startled. "Lucas?" Max asked and I saw Mike behind him. "Mike?" I asked. They both giggled like school girls. I threw a pillow across the room at them and then it was Max and I's turn to laugh. "So what do you think of us karaoking at a bar tonight." Max said going to the kitchen to get us waters. She came back in and threw me one and looked at Mike and Lucas along with their jaws on the ground. "Are you serious right now?" Lucas asked. We looked at each other and both nodded slowly so the got it in their heads. The looked at each other like they knew something we didn't. "What is it?" I asked taking a sip of water. "You two do know that bars are just full of drunk men who enjoy-" Lucas started. "K I'm pretty sure I have a good idea of what they enjoy." Max said with a disgusted face. "Yeah besides you two will be with us." I said snarkily and Max giggled. "Ok then. If we have to go either you to show you that we're right then fine." Mike said and then Lucas laughed. I knew if Dustin was here he would flip them off and I seriously felt like it but I knew they were doing something they didn't want to for us so I didn't. Mike and I went home and I got ready to sing my heart out for the crowd of so called drunk men. I got changed into a red dress I had not worn in ages.

El's dress:

Max's dress

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Max's dress

Mom and dad came to watch Ava

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Mom and dad came to watch Ava. I grabbed my purse from the couch and went to Max and Lucas's. We all got in the car and left. We arrived at the bar soon enough and Max and I along with some other people did karaoke. They called our name and we looked at each other reassuringly. We walked up to the stage and started to sing and dance. The audience roared and we smiled. When we were done they all clapped and we stepped back as the last people to sing. A lady from the crowd walked on stage and took the mike. "There was no winner but I'm pretty sure we all know that." She couldn't think of our names. "El Wheeler and max Sinclair." I stepped in for her. "Yes. I think we all know El and Max won." She laughed and we all left the stage. Mike went to the bathroom and Max went to take her seat next to Lucas. I went to where the girls bathroom used to be but it was blocked off. I went to the bar area to ask someone what was going on. "Hello, hi." I said grabbing his attention. "Do you have a girls bathroom?" I asked thinking that it was weird they didn't. "Yes they do. It's outback. It's the best we can do right now. Thy are remodeling it." He said coldly and turned away. "Great." I mumbled under my breath. I walked outside from the crowded bar, warm because it was filled with peoples bodies. It was a cold winters night and I was wearing a short but long sleeved dress. I pulled at the top of my dress not wanting to reveal to much for the unknown that was outside in this cold dark world. It was chilly and creepy but I pushed it off by taking a few more steps closer to the bathroom. I heard a noise and I started walking faster till I got to the pink bathroom that I didn't see how I was going to fit into. It was tiny and very gross. I somehow managed not to barf and walked out once I was done. I saw this tall man standing in front of me. I gulped knowing what he wanted. "Excuse me." I said trying to be strong. He didn't dare move. "Please move sir." I said knowing this wasn't gonna be easy. Still nothing. "I said move!" I yelled pleading for him to. "Your gorgeous." He said scanning me. "I know I am." I said trying to be cocky. "Now if you don't move I will punch you in the shin right now." I said fearlessly not wanting him to see my weak side. "If i didn't know any better that sounds like a threat." He said. "Do you?" I asked. "Do I What?" He asked and rolled his eyes. "Know better?" I said making myself clear and trying to run by him. Before I could he caught my wrists and pulled me back. "Look dude I've dealt with worse than you." I said and then stepped on his foot. He let go of me and I backed up and threw my hands up as if I was innocent. What he didn't  know was that I only did that so my hands could be free. Could be free to slightly use my powers of course. I moved my fingers just enough for some of my magic to slip out causing the hood of his sweatshirt to float but he didn't notice it. I saw Mike from a distance and I shook my head signaling him not to beat him up. To signal I had everything under control. The tall man saw me shake my head so he looked behind himself and saw Mike. He ran towards him letting me have room to extend my arms out and let all my anger out through my powers. I lifted him into the air. If it came to my safety and especially Mikes I wasn't afraid to put on a little magic show. "Well well. What an awkward situation." I said smirking. "Let's not tell anyone about this shall we?" I asked scaring him. "SHALL WE?" I  yelled it once more for he was to scared to even shake his head. He finally shook his head and I threw him to the ground and he ran off. We went back inside, grabbed Max and Lucas practically by the arms and left. In the car ride home we told them everything and they were shocked as to what I did.

I climbed in bed after a long day and especially night. Mike got in bed a few minutes later and I just laid there in silence thinking about the day and how I had reacted. Mike looked at me and them back down at his fumbling hands. "A-are you mad?" He asked nervously. I sharply turned from my thoughts and smiled at him. "What? No! God no!" I placed my hands on his cheeks and smiled. We kissed and I laid back down and turned off the lamp. "Thanks for being there for me tonight." I said sleepily and Mike replied with something. I tried to stay awake to find out what but I was tired. After using my powers on a creep I was drained. Mike was right, bars were full of creeps. I was right too however. I could take care of myself. I loved Mike with all my heart and I didn't know what in the world I would do without him by my side.

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