The Christmas Confession

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Mikes POV

It was El and I's first Christmas together as a married couple. I wanted to make sure she had the best Christmas but I had no idea what to get her. "Hi I'm home!" She yelled from the door of our apartment. I had been mindlessly staring at the wall in search of a present. Each year she had asked for something but this year was different. She didn't mention anything about Christmas. I wish she would give me a hint. A sign. Anything really. I sighed figuring it was time I went downstairs. I walked down the long hallway and I saw El from above singing a song and dancing around the kitchen putting groceries up. I laughed and jogged down the stairs. "My little ballerina." I laughed and kissed the top of her head. She quickly turned around letting her dress poof out and her hair fly, showing how beautiful it was. "Oh. Y-you saw that?" She asked embarrassed and slightly blushing. "Every last bit." I laughed. She shuffled her feet and looked down at them. "Your a great dancer." I teased. She gave me a wedgie and was pleased. As her nose started to bleed she wiped it and smiled. "Wow, ok. Remind me not to mess with you." I smiled and started to take the groceries out of the bag. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. Mom and dad invited all of us over for Christmas Eve." I looked up as I took the eggos out of the bag. "Oh yeah? Who's all?" I asked. She turned around and threw the empty bags in the garbage. "Um, Will, Nancy, Jonathan, Charlie, Max, Lucas, and Dustin." She said and smiled. She always loved a crowd. I guess since she grew up living alone in a jail cell type prison she liked having people near her. I guess she felt safe. "But your parents only have 4 rooms." I said curious as to how we would all fit. "The Girls will sleep in my old room, you, Dustin, and Lucas, will sleep in Wills old room, and Will and Jonathan will sleep in Jonathan's old room." She said like she had memorized it by heart. "Wow. That's a lot." I laughed and she walked over to me and and hugged me. "What's this for?" I asked surprised considering El's was not a hugger unless she needed to be. By that I mean she never hugged ANYONE unless she hadn't seen the in a while or it was a greeting. "For being the best boy- I mean husband." She said and nuzzled into me. What was she going through? Why was she acting so weird? Don't get me wrong I loved her hugs but why was she hugging me? After a minute or two of nothing but hugging she pulled away and finished putting up the groceries. "Mike?" She asked me while trying to reach the top shelf. "Yes?" I asked while scanning the receipt. "Do you think Will and Dustin can come over today?" She asked finally getting on the counter to where she could reach. "I wanted to make cookies. I know they love to cook and do stuff like that." She giggled while jumping down. "Of course. Go call them I will finish this up." I said while throwing bags away and shutting cabinet doors. I saw her go up the stairs and out of sight. Once I knew she could not see me I grabbed her diary. She never told me she had one, but one day I sorta uncovered it under a couch cushion. I didn't mean to pry but I needed to know what was going on with her. I couldn't stand to see her not open up to me. Was it something I did? I couldn't of been. Otherwise she wouldn't have hugged me. Nothing bad ever happened around Christmas. It wasn't like anything happened on that day to make her not like it for the rest of her life. I mean, she has always been in the Christmas spirit before. It's like it goes on and off. At first she was singing and dancing but then when I came in she got quiet. It had to be me! I cut off my miserable thoughts and opened the book. Dear diary, today I went shopping when Mike was at work. I bought a pretty red dress. I plan to wear it Christmas Eve so everyone can see it. I read and read about the dress but there was nothing about why she was acting this way. "Ooh here it is!" I shouted and I heard El coming down the stairs. "Here's what?" She asked. I was on the couch and it was facing away from the stairs so she couldn't see what was in my hands. "Oh nothing. Just a penny I dropped a while ago." I lied while stuffing in under the cushion in its original position. "Um... ok." She said and laughed and walked to me with a grin. "So their coming over tonight and we're gonna watch Christmas movies and make cookies." She smiled and sat down next to me. "OhyeahIkindaalsoinvitedmaxandlucasoveraswellokbye." She rushed her words together to form one big word and started to get up and run away. "El wait!" I yelled form her as she was half way up the stairs. "Yes?" She asked sadly and turned around. "What? Why wouldn't I want them to come over? Their my friends too." I laughed. "Oh yeah I forgot." She smiled sadly still and turned around and walked upstairs. Why was she acting this way? I couldn't bare seeing her like this. Anytime she got like his she would call it "the depths of despair."

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