Chapter 01 - Job Interview

Start from the beginning

- Good morning - she said shy.

- Please sit down. Would you like some tea, coffee...?

- No thanks.

- My name is Teryl and I'm Marketing Director for Rockstar. This Assistant job is to work directly with me. How did you know about the ad?

- I saw in the newspaper last night.

- I see... Are you graduated in Marketing?

- Yes.

- Do you have experience?

- No. Just as a trainee... I worked as a florist before, and also in a department store.

- Do you have some knowledge about the sports that Rockstar sponsors?

- Just as a fan. I really like Rally and everything about cars like NASCAR, F1, Formula Drift... I know a little about it...

- Do you know all our drivers?

- Most of them. Some I follow the career from the beginning...

- Are there any in particular?

- Yes - she blushed - Tanner Foust...

- Of course! - Teryl wasn't surprised and giggled - All women of this department are in love with him, and it's difficult to assign someone to work with him without hurting the others. So to avoid problems, I work directly with Tanner - She looked at Samantha - How old are you?

- 25.

- You seem older, maybe because the clothes you're wearing. What is your height?

- 1,66m.

- Do you have boyfriend?

- Well... I have someone, but I cannot tell if he's a real boyfriend or just a brief affair... - She smiled embarrassed - Why?

- Because in this job, your personal life will be very complicated and busy... You'll not have time for many things. There are many trips, events in the US, Europe, South America... It's necessary to accompany the teams.

- Wow - Samantha's eyes flashed.

- Do you have conditions to take on this job?

- Yes.

- Although you may not be tall and have over 20 years old, I liked you, and I'll give you a chance. Can you start tomorrow?

- Yes - Samantha was smiling and feeling very excited.

- Janet? - Teryl spoke over the intercom.

- Yes, Mrs. O'Neil.

- I want you to follow Samantha to Human Resources Department - She hung up the intercom - Welcome to the Rockstar family.

- Thank you - Samantha had a wide smile - I promise I'll do my best, always!

- I'm counting on it. Oh, and one more thing. You're a beautiful girl, but we'll change a bit the way you dress and makeup. Remember you're Marketing from Rockstar and have to be perfect all the time.

Samantha came home happy and radiant. When she closed the door, she began to hum and dance around the living room.

- What a wonderful feeling! This will be the happiest Christmas of my life! I just hope that this job is really as wonderful as it seems... Oh, I need to tell Mom and Donna... They'll be happy...

Samantha picked up the phone and dialed to her mother's home, who answered on the third ring.

- Mom?

- Sam! How good to hear your voice! How are you my dear?

- I'm fine and very happy! I'm calling to say that I got the job of my dreams!

- Will you work with advertising?

- Yes! And the best: I'll work with my passion...

- Which one? - She laughed.

- The main! The racing world!

- Seriously? I'm very happy for you...

Samantha told her mother in details the last days, the search for a job, interviews, and finally the opportunity at Rockstar.

- Have you told Harry?

- No - she sighed - I think he'll not like it... He always says he doesn't understand how I can like cars and this kind of stuff...

- But he needs to know. And if he really likes you, he'll understand and support you.

- I hope so - she wanted to change the subject - And how is Donna?

- She's fine and studying hard. You know, she wants to be a doctor... - They talked for a long time about many things.

It was night and Samantha was dining with Harry in a cozy restaurant. She had to tell him about the job, but didn't know how to say. Harry realized that she was anxious and took her hand in his.

- Something happened, dear?

- No... I mean, yes... - she looked at him with a beautiful smile - I finally got a job in the marketing area!

- Really? We need to celebrate! And what will you work?

- Oh... I'll work with... Sports!

- Sports? What kind of sports?

- Auto Racing...

- Auto Racing? - Harry looked at her in surprise and looked disappointed - This is not a job for a woman.

- What? - Samantha looked surprise to him - Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I cannot like cars and things like that!

- I don't want my girl to get involved with this kind of world.

- Don't you want me to be happy?

- Of course I do.

- So what will make me happy is to work at Rockstar.

- I'll do anything to see you happy... But not this.

- So... This is your last word, right? - Samantha looked sad at him.

- Yes.

- If my happiness isn't important to you, then you don't love me as I thought...

- I didn't say that!

- And don't need to say. I get it all... - She looked steadily at him with eyes full of tears - We ended up here...

- Sam... What are you saying?

- That's all over between us... - she gave a bitter smile - Now I can see that all this time we were together, you never worried about me, just with yourself... - She stood up - I'll return your things up this weekend...

- Sam, wait, let's talk about...

- We don't have to talk... Good night, Harry, and I hope you to be very happy.

- We cannot brake up because of a job!

- Yes, we can... Good night, Harry.

- I'll take you home...

- Don't worry, I caught a taxi - Samantha came out fast of the restaurant, and stubborn tears ran down her face.

When she got outside, decided to walk around the sidewalk. There were many people walking on the street doing Christmas shopping and they seemed happy. In front of a department store, there was a choir singing Christmas carols, and Samantha stopped by to watch. It was so beautiful...

Samantha felt alone... She was in the midst of many people, but was sad and lonely... She blinked several times to move away the tears and took a deep breath.

- Tomorrow is a new day... The first day of a very happy new life...

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