Chapter 14.

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In the car ~

I was enjoying the view when he said, " by the way what did that guy do to you ".

" I told you,  I was finding my book and I found it and I turned around when he was there and I told him what are you doing and he said enjoying the view and he suddenly hugged me I pushed him so hard but he was to strong and he told me that he loved me from the day he came and I know he was about to kiss me when you came in the right timing and I pushed him by all my effort and I went and hugged you and kissed you ", I said then he nodded.

" but how did you knew I will be in library ", I asked.

" your friends told me ", he said then I nodded.

" now please don't leave me anywhere ", I said then he stopped the car and looked at me and intertwined our hands and said, " I won't, I promise ".

I smiled and he continued driving.

" by the way how are you feeling? ", he asked.

" me,  now I'm fine just a bit weakness", I said then he tightened the grip in my hands.

We reach to the hospital and we got out of the car and went inside with our hands intertwined.

He loves holding my hands,  when we were small he told me that my hands are so soft like a Marshmello and he love holding my hands.

We went inside and doctor saw me and I bowed down and said, " good evening doctor ".

" oh good evening Miss Choi Sunhee ", he said then looked at Malfoy.

" oh his name ---

" Mr. Draco Malfoy,  am I right ", doc said then he nodded.

" Mr. Choi Chan,  informed me that he has to go to oversea so his sister will come with Mr. Draco Malfoy ", doc said then I nodded.

I sat down and he said, " how are you feeling miss Choi".

" I'm feeling abit well but weakness is there ", I said then doc nodded.

" okay so, I have to do the X ray of your body because Chan told me to do it and why I'm doing it is cause your body ligament might have broken so I will check ", he said then we did the X-ray and he look through it and smiled.

" nothing is broken and everything is normal in your health report just a bit  RB cells are less so you should maintain it okay ", doc said then I nodded.

" anyways there is no medicine to give you ", doc said then I smiled and whispered," yes ".

Doc looked at me and Malfoy said, " she hates medicines doc ".

Doctor laughed and I was embrassed there and I give my death glare to Mr. Dracula.

" but you have to take this medicine ", doc said then I nodded.

" this is the medicine which will bring your energy back I mean you told me that you are feeling weak right so this will maintain your immune system and Mr. Draco,  please give this medicine three times after the meals ", doc said then Draco nodded.

" yes doc I will make sure that she takes it three times in a day ", he said then doc nodded then we were about to go when doc asked ," are you both seeing each other ".

My eyes widened and Sam's goes with Draco and we both shook our heads and said, "  no!!! we are childhood best friend ".

Doctor laughed at our words and said, " okay,  I was just testing anyways safe journey Miss Choi Sunhee and Mr. Draco Malfoy ".

Stray brothers (Stray kids). Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt