“I can’t believe this Niall, I just can’t…” she let out another laugh, as she had looked over the contract I had handed her. She would get quite the paycheck for that painting. Probably more than the total of everything she had ever earned. And she would get credit as well – Zayn had been very strict concerning that part of the deal. He kept saying she should get full credit and get acknowledgement for her work – and he was right. This was the kickstart of her career, people had to know who the artist of the painting was.

“And it’ll be out in only ten days! Wow – just wow. Ha! You guys are truly the best. Seriously. I’ll have to take you all out sometime to celebrate and as a thank-you. When you get back from Germany – oh man!” She was jumping around my bedroom totally hyperventilating. So happy that she even started singing. She ran over to me and jumped up, I grabbed her and joined her laughter. It felt amazing being part of the reason for her happiness. She deserved it. God did she deserve this. She had wrapped her legs around my body, and I kept a tight hold of her, as she cupped my face and whispered a ‘thank you my Irish guardian angel’. She was still smiling as she leaned in to kiss me. I tightened my grip, as she started messing through my hair with her hand.

“You’re welcome,” I breathed, after kissing her neck. She looked me in the eyes for some time, still beaming. Had the world stopped?

“We should get going, your security guy will be here in an hour to pick you up for the airport,” she reminded me and kissed the tip of my nose.

I did not let go of her; “Can I sneak you into my luggage? I don’t want to leave you behind,”. She giggled and kissed my lips quickly, before jumping down.

“Oh yeah sure! Your suitcase is definitely big enough – seriously! I have never seen a suitcase that huge; I’ll bet I could actually fit into it! Can I take a quick shower before I get in?” She smiled crookedly at me and headed for the bathroom, as I nodded in response.

I was thrilled – but I really did not want to go. I was still grinning as I picked up my phone and dialled my manager’s number.

“How can I help you Niall?” Her strict voice was heard.

“Oy hey! Listen up… I can’t keep up the thing with Demi…” I started explaining, as Molly returned to the room and pointed at a towel, she had found in the bathroom and afterwards pointed at herself, indicating if she could use it. I nodded eagerly and smiled, as she gave me a thumb up and spun around.



It felt a little strange showering in Niall’s bathroom, it smelled of his shampoo and was extremely fancy for a bathroom. I bet he got a designer or something to decorate it. It had this extremely cool shower area thing, where the walls were decorated with black tiles. Every now and then there was a tile in the pattern that would have some silver glitter to it, not much though, but just enough that, as the hot water became steam - it felt like you were standing in a sea of stars. Pretty damn cool.  

I hummed, as I wrapped the matching black towel around my body. Gathering my wet hair in a bun, I turned to get my cloth. Only they were still lying in the bag – in Niall’s room. Genius. Slowly I opened the door and tiptoed through the hall, peeking into Niall’s bedroom, I overheard his conversation.

“So you are saying I can’t call it off because of a tweet? Seriously? A month! But…” Niall was wandering back and forth in his room. He sounded kind of upset, “Yeah, sure. Of course I see. Still sucks. Sure. Okay then – I’ll tell her. See you later then. Bye,” he sighed and sat on his bed, texting on his phone.

Should I say anything? Or should I go ninja style? But it would be so effing awkward if he saw me. Right? Or maybe… I did not get any further in my trail of thoughts, as Niall turned and looked at me. Surprise crossed his face, as I was standing there; wet hair, towel wrapped around my body, and half hiding behind the door. Bugger.

I could feel my face turn bright red; “Ehm… my bag - ?” I avoided his gaze, but could not help smiling, since Niall also blushed and jumped up like burned. He almost fell over his feet as he went over to get my bag, he tried to look anywhere but at me, as he handed me the shoulder bag.

I let out a giggle, which caused him to finally look at my face. He too grinned and I hurried back to the bathroom to finish my cheeks still blushed.

As I exited the bathroom and returned to Niall’s bedroom, this time fully dressed, I could hear my guardian angel playing.

“Oh yeah – it was the harp you were playing right? Since you are an angel,” I grinned at him and sat down beside him on the bed listing to his jamming.

He laughed and asked me, what my favourite song was. “And one of those I would know please,” he added.

“Hmmm… I really love Wonderwall. You would know that right? Else I would have to hurt you – sorry to say but it’s a federal crime to not know that song!” I stated seriously and waited for his response. Then he started playing.

“I don’t believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now,” my heartbeat raced, as he looked at me a smile playing over his face. I sat very still and listened, not wanting to ruin anything.

“Maybe you’re gonna be the one that saves me,” his perfect voice gave me chills, and I beamed at him.

“And after all you’re my wonderwall,” he finished of the song and grinned.

“You know – I think you’re the one saving me,” my tone was serious, but it was true. This blonde boy – this incredible talented and caring guy – had done so much for me.

“How can I ever make it up to you!” I laughed out.

“You can be my slave for the rest of my existents,” he joked and I punched his shoulder lightly.

“Oh yeah. You would like that now wouldn’t you?”

“Slaaave – go make me a sandwich!” Niall exclaimed between the laughter, I let myself fall on my back on the bed. I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. I was just so effing happy right now – even the worst joke’ish thing was hilarious.

“Then you would have to bring me to Germany, right?”

“Oh yeah – definitely. And you’ll have to carry my bags and snacks,”

That’s when my phone started ringing. “Hold that thought – right there. Hold it,” I told Niall, still laughing, as I answered the call. 

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