"You know what, he's a total idiot. I think I was right about him being gay anyway. You're gorgeous and wonderful and anyone who doesn't see that is a giant idiot. If you were a lesbian and I didn't see you as my sister I would date you so fast!"

I laugh. "Thanks," I say, "I guess."

"You're damn right, 'thanks,'" she says. "I'm quite a catch!"

"Would you be up for hanging out tonight?"

She takes a breath and pauses. "I told Shayna I was going to visit her while she's working tonight. I was gonna ask if you wanted to come out with me but... I don't want to put you in an awkward position if we end up running into Zane and Kieran."

"Yeah, Zane actually asked me to come by, so I know they'll be there tonight."

I feel sick thinking that he just hits on whatever girls are in that bar. Zane and Kieran are just players and I should have known better. Guys that good-looking are always massive tools.

"Oh my god, I have the best idea," she says. I know her well enough to know that this tone of voice is always the precursor to a truly evil plan.

"What idea?"

"We know Zane is gonna be at Pike's. Why don't you show up looking out-of-this-world hot, and then totally ignore him all night and make him jealous?"

My brain knows instantly that this is a bad plan. A very bad plan. This is childish, incredibly immature, and a ridiculously passive-aggressive way to handle a problem. My petty heart, however, is cackling with delight.

Let's make the bastard squirm.


Jen pulls up to the bar and I'm suddenly filled with a mixture of nausea and regret. Jen talked me into tight leather pants and a loose, somewhat-sheer white v-neck tee that shows a fair amount of cleavage.

She assured me that as 'a connoisseur of women,' she determined this was the hottest possible outfit. I was debating wearing a tight dress, but she insisted this was more me. And she's right, but now I'm worried that this outfit isn't attention-grabbing enough.

"Get out of the car, you super fox, you!" she shouts.

I oblige, if only to avoid her loudly calling me a super fox in the parking lot again. I haven't responded to Zane's texts all day, so he doesn't know I'll be here. I'm suddenly feeling embarrassed. This is crazy immature of me.

I follow Jen in through the front door and immediately spot Kieran and Zane sitting in the corner with two beautiful women.

What is this, a meeting of the way-too-attractive people's club?

I'm hit with a pang of jealousy that quickly kicks my vindictiveness into high gear.

Fine. He doesn't want me? Good. I don't want him either.

Jen and I approach the bar as Shayna pours a couple of beers from the tap. I can sense Zane's gaze in my peripheral vision, but I avoid looking his way.

"Hey there!" Jen says to Shayna.

"Hey, sexy mama!" Shayna says back with a sly wink.

Oh my god, you two, get a room alreadycan't you see I'm having an awkward moment over here?

Shayna takes our orders and returns with our drinks. Jen and I make small talk for a bit, but it's not long before I feel a presence behind me. Zane must've come over from their table. Maybe he was interested after all?

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