Broken Dolls Part 2

Start from the beginning

"I could never figure out how he chose his victims," Lance mumbled.

"I think you just did," I said as I grabbed the flash drive and left.

Lian Yu

Stupid Oliver for always thinking with his dick and not his head. Shado is a big girl and take care of herself without him. But no, it's like since they've been a "thing" she's all he cares about. Put her in danger and he's willing to jump in front of her.

"Don't look so glum, Girl Scout," Slade said as we walked up the mountain slope. "It's Oliver's choice to stay behind. He didn't listen to my advice so he might end up getting killed."

"And what advice did you give him exactly?" I sorta snapped.

"The same one I'm giving you. To avoid attachment."

"That's terrible advice."

"But it will save your life."

"How? If people are getting hurt and I could do something to prevent that then you bet your ass I'm going to do it." I mean, if we avoid attachment and something happens everyone will be fending for themselves instead of helping each other out. The only person who would probably do that is my dad.

"Then you might as well stayed in that cave with Shado. You could sulk in your jealousy and turned a blind eye."

"I'm not jealous. If anything you're jealous but you're too scared to admit it because you won't be proving your point."

"Why would I be jealous? I'm not the one graveling over some idiot who cares too much."

"Better than someone who cares too less," I retorted.

Slade let out a disappointing sigh. "Then I was wrong about you. You're definitely an idiot."

"If I'm an idiot for caring too much, then I must be the biggest idiot out there. And I wouldn't change it for anything."

Slade let out a scoff before he started walking again. I heard something crunch from under him before he lost his footing on the edge. Slade let out a grunt and rolled away from me. I reached out and grabbed him before he could fall over the cliff.

"Be happy that I'm attached to you," I said through my gritted teeth before pulling him up.


Starling City

"So this is it? Skin cream, that's our lead?" Diggle asked ridiculously.

Tommy sighed as he crossed his arms. "At least it's something."

"What do you know about this stuff?" I asked.

"What makes you think I know?"

I gave him a look. "Tommy, you did some research about this product because you almost bought it for Laurel."

"And you slapped me for it because you told me it's like I'm telling her she needs to moisturize some more."

"You didn't actually get it for her, did you?" Felicity asked.

"No. No. Ash, would have slapped me again which is something I'm trying to avoid." Oliver raised his brow at his best friend and urged him to continue. "Fine. The product is made from crushed mother of pearl and it's super high-end. This stuff is only carried in a handful of boutiques and it's marketed for women with extremely delicate complexions."

"He picks his victims for their skin," Oliver said. "The cream is how he finds them."

"And since four of the stores in the city carry it, it shouldn't be a problem pinpointing which one he should go to. And if he's trying to avoid surveillance than he would be stalking them outside, right?"

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