Broken Dolls Part 2

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The police found the victim's body an hour after Mathis's call. Felicity tried to hack into SCPD's private forensic's system but couldn't because of our little...hacks from last year. So this just left me and Oliver to hack in like we did back when my father used to run Merlyn Global. This should be even more fun since Lance is tagging along with us, note sarcasm. Tommy offered as some kind of backup but we figured it be best if he stayed in case we need some kind of distraction.

Oliver took out his tranquilizer dart and threw it at the upcoming security guard. The man felt a slight pinch on his neck before he was knocked out. Lance raised his brow at us as we walked along the dark hallway.

"So glad you two invited me to tag along," he said sarcastically.

I raised my brow at him as I held the doorknob. "Would you rather have him killed? Especially by me?" I didn't let him answer as I opened the door and we walked in. I wouldn't even kill this guard. He's not on my list.

Lance gave me a look but Oliver shook his head. "She's kidding," he said. "It's a tranq dart. He'll be out for 36 minutes." Very specific.

"Yeah, I remember," Lance replied.

I went over to the monitors and began typing. "Did you?" I wondered. "Or is old age finally getting to you?" I finally installed Felicity's flash drive. "You're up Felicity."

"So, this is what a typical night's like for you, huh? Just a little breaking and entering."

"Well, I prefer the term date but whatever floats your boat."

"Which isn't something I'd picture," Felicity said through the earpiece. Then she started blabbering and lying through her teeth. "Not that I'd picture your guys' date or anything. Not that you're together or anything. Obviously, you guys are together in this whole project. If you two did decide to date then I wouldn't object. And -"

"I get it," Lance interrupted.

"Thank, God," she mumbled. Even under my mask, I was still smiling a bit. "Alright, I got toxicology first." Everything Felicity sees on our system is being shown on this computer. A bunch of files started pulling up.

"What are all these?" Lance asked.

"Chemical ingredients of all the make-up found on the victims, skin cream, nail polish, lipstick." This guy's makeup bill must be high.

"Wait, wait, wait, stop."

I groaned. "Do you need reading glasses or something?" I snapped.

"No, but she does need to scroll back." I looked at the screen as Felicity scrolls back. "This one. Ethyl paraben, sodium laureth sulphate. I've seen this before."

"It's skin cream," Felicity clarified. "Forensics found traces of it on her fingers. Probably something she used before he grabbed her."

Lance nodded. "Skin cream. Mermaid something. One of the victims, from his last run, she had this in her purse and I had the lab analyze it, and it's the's the same formula."

"Felicity," Oliver began.

"Already on it," she answered. She pulled up a flyer for Mermaiden Skin Cream. Huh? Good thing I told Tommy to not buy that for Laurel a few months back.

"How the hell could she do that?" Lance asked in bewilderment.

"Because she's Felicity and she kicks ass," I responded.

"Thanks, Angel," Felicity said. "Ethyl paraben and sodium laureth sulphate is Mermaiden's proprietary formula."

"Two victims with the same taste in skin cream," Oliver began. "That can't be a coincidence."

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