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Would you believe I met NHC again on their last tour? Waited outside and I'm the first person Reece came to, but I didn't have my phone out in time for a picture so he moved on to the people around me RIP haha glad I caught his attention tho LMAO
Also I've like fully mapped this story out and I should be back on track to updating frequently, pls keep voting tho it makes me the happiest :)

what are you suppose to do when the person who was your perfect fit, doesn't have any intention to love you? You completely ignore everything, or at least you try to, but it's the stupid things that pop up and make you crumble when you least expect it. For example my brother was listening to Catfish and the Bottlemen, the same album that had the two figures with their hands down each other pants, which is a stupid top that Reece wears and maybe that's me just being petty.

"Watching rom-coms won't make anyone fall in love with you any quicker," River remarked as he walked into my dimly lit bedroom. "Neither is turning off your phone so you won't see if Reece has messaged you,"

"what would you do?" I stupidly asked, knowing exactly what was going to fall from his mouth,

"Shiloh, I'd go to the beach. I'll even drop you there and let Reece know exactly how you feel," he pouted.

"Even if you or I, or anyone were to tell him how I feel, he doesn't date, so there's really no point." I huffed.

"Maybe you misunderstood," River began to trail off.

"What's there to misunderstand ab-' I started but River held a finger up to me.

"What if Lara put that part in there, knowing that you'll read it and that it'd get to you," River began analysing, and he was doing a good job at it.

"But Reece said it himself, that he. No actually, he didn't, he was trying to tell me but I didn't understand and I was so angry about the article and that's all I was thinking about." I grinned from ear to ear, pulling the lid down to my laptop.

Although there was some slight clarity to this situation, it still wasn't going to make me come clean and admit that I liked Reece, but it was going to make me go to the beach and see him again.

I unlocked my phone to find only one message from Reece, reading,

"I hope you're okay, genuinely. All I want to do is sit and talk with you at the beach x"

River agreed to drop me there, I'd speak to Reece and he'd wait in the car at the bottom of the cliff in case I didn't want to stay long. The roads were foggy and damp, I was watching the road attentively, perched on the edge of my seat as River sung his heart out to Chocolate by The 1975.

I didn't tell Reece that I was coming to the beach, in fact I had no idea that he'd be here, but as we drove along the sandy terrain into the car park, I saw a figure on the cliff that I could only hope was him.

I jumped out and smiled sympathetically at River, I was thankful for him but just wished he wouldn't worry about me so much, for it only made me more anxious than needed.
I nervously shoved my hands into my aviator jacket and placed my head low as I trekked up the cliff to Reece.

"Hi," I awkwardly stammered, metres away from Reece. He looked up at me with a sad face but stayed quiet. "I get that I might hav-' I began but Reeces eyes were focused on something other than me.

"No, it's me, I've fucked it," he said standing up and stepping towards me, but that didn't mute out the sound of footsteps behind me. I glared at him, trying to work out his sorry expression, but as the footsteps grew closer and Reece's head fell lower, I realised this person wasn't passing by.
I looked behind me, at the girl with curly blonde hair, as she stood just a footsteps away from me.

"Shy?" She let out, but as she spoke I heard a car door slam in the distance and noticed River launch his way up the cliff side.

"Wow Reece," I spat at him, before turning on my heel to stop my brother from what I could presume would be the worst. His face was steaming red and full of anger, his hands were both formed in fist shapes, even when I took ahold of his arms, he would not loosen up. His jaw clenched and his lips tighten, he wanted to say something, but his sore eyes watched the scene that unraveled behind me. I could sense Reeces gaze on me, but that meant nothing anymore. If he had even considered getting close to me, he would've realised the one main thing to do would be to stay away from Lara.

"You're a piece of trash, the pair of you. You belong with each other," River screamed, deafening me so I could only imagine that it hit them too. I pushed him back in to the car for him to cool off, he stayed in the drivers seat for a while, just rocking himself back and forth.

"What's he doing bringing her to a place that's so sacred to us?" River huffed.

"Reece doesn't know that this where Misty killed herself, it's just a place where we both go to feel at ease." I breathed.

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