Getting sucked in, Literally

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"Wow, you must be like a hero Haru-Chan!" He exclaimed while he was being so joyful. Haruhi moved close to his face.

"I am just an honor student. And who are you calling Haru-Chan?!" She screamed at him. Honey teared up and ran over to Mori who had Usa-Chan to cheer up Honey. They began whispering about her being 'openly gay'. They think she's gay? Haha! Oh man, this is funni- 

SMASH! Haruhi backed right into the vase, and it slowly hit the ground. Her eyes went wide. Hikaru and Kaoru were right behind her.

"Aw, were gonna feature that vase on an upcoming school auction. Oh now you've done it commoner, that vase was gonna go for 8 million yen." Haruhi started freaking out again. The twins just started harassing her on what she was doing while Kyoya walked over to a piece of the broken vase, picked it up and examined it.

"Well, what do you think we should do Tamaki?" 

"I say you boys make him into a host." I put out there, with a smirk. Kyoya gave me a quick glance, than went back to focusing on the broken glass. Tamaki rose out of his chair, and ran over to me. He grabbed both my hands in his. His blue eyes sparkled.

"Thats a wonderful idea my devious princess! From this day on, Haruhi shall be the host clubs dog!" Tamaki shouted. Haruhi turned ghost white, than fainted to the ground. Mori picked her up, and placed her on the sofa for now. Everyone's attention turned back to me.

"Koy-Chan, you look like Kyoya! You have the same color hair, the same glasses, even the same black book. Oh and you know everything like Kyoya to!" Honey pointed out. I gave them all a smile.

"Maybe I'm the female version of Kyoya? Who knows Honey- Senpai." I laughed. Honey came over to me.

"You know I'm older than you?" I ruffled his cute blonde hair.

"Of course silly. You may look all small, but like Tamaki said, your just the boy Lolita type. its just your personality. Your 17 right?" I knew he was 17 because i've watched Ouran high school host club about a million times. So I know everything, specially when something going to happen. Everyone looked at me in amazement, except Kyoya. He opened his black book up, and read. 

"Ms. Takashi. It says here you came from America because your other school wasn't smart enough for you, and it also you come from a very wealthy family. Is this so?" Kyoya asked. I nodded and pushed up my glasses. Time for some mind blowing. I opened up my own black book, pretending to read it.

"Well Mr. Ootori, your a second year student, you can be sly but you are the vice president of this host club. You really run everything even though Tamaki is the president. Your more of the 'puppet master' if you would. Tamaki is just the puppet. Some girls and boys at this school call you the shadow king. Your the third son of a wealthy and influential family. If you want any hope of taking over your family business, you have to work extremely hard over your stick fathers expectations, oh and it says here that you have a very bad temper when walking up in the morning. Is this so?" I asked him, while once again fixing my glasses. Kyoya looked very shocked to know that I knew personal details about him. Honey glanced up at Mori. Mori just stared at me. Tamaki went over to his 'emo corner' to sulk. Okay, I don't think i said much about him.

Kyoya quickly recovered. A smirk went a cross his face. He started to walk past me. just as I was in ear range he whispered,

"We are going to have some fun this year."

When Haruhi woke up, Tamaki sent her out to get things. The twins kept asking me where my dress was. I told them I payed the school to let me where what ever I want. Kyoya heard this, and i know he went to do some snooping around. When he came back, he was frowning. I was right! Oh i love this place! While the boys went to do their host club jobs, I walked around listening to everything. 

Sucked Into The Manga (Book one) Ouran HighSchool Host ClubOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant