Getting sucked in, Literally

Start from the beginning

"So you found the Ouran Highschool host club stuff? That's neat." I just nodded. She rested her head on my shoulder as I opened the book up. A bright light flashed through the pages, along with rose petals and a sizzling sound followed. I let out a scream as I felt my body being sucked in. What the hell was going on?

Suddenly, everything died down. I found myself sitting on the floor if a fancy hall. I looked up at the halls. There, right in front of me stood, Music room 3. Holy fudge cakes! I'm in Ouran high! So wait, where's Haruhi?  Oh there she is! I saw her mopping around the windows, with her ugly brown sweated and terrible short hair. She really does look like a boy! I quickly scrambled to my feet as she came close to the music room.

"Hey there Haruhi-Chan!" I greeted. Her eyes snapped up to me. She gave a shocked expression.

"H-how did you know my name?" She stuttered. Time to pull a little Kyoya action. I took out my black book, pushed back my glasses and read her information.

"Haruhi Fujioka. Year one student. You passed the entrance exam.  Gender female. Though you cut your hair because of gum, so now you look like a boy." This was all from memory. I snapped my book shut, and watched her gap at me.

"Wow, thats all right. Well, I'm going to look for a place to study." She moved over to music room 3. 

"Oh by the way Haru-chan, my name is Koyuki Takashi. I'm a year two student." I lied. I really do have the same name as Mori,sort of,  but I'm not a year two student because I don't go to school here. Let's see if I do now because of my weird appearance all of a sudden.

"Nice to meet you Koy-Senpai." Wow, she called me senpai. I like this place. I went by her side, and watched her push open the door. There was a swooshing sound, a bright light, and rose petals flew everywhere. 

"Welcome!" A chorus of voices greeted. Haruhi looked deathly afraid. She tried to to claw her way out. While I just sat there, amazed at how the host club really looks.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, isn't this young man-"

"In their class, yeah Haruhi is. Though, Haruhi isn't that sociable. Not many people no much about Haru-chan." I cut in with my black book in my hand. Everyone stared at me. I fixed my glasses and smirked. Haruhi kind of gave me a, please help me, sort of look. Kyoya also fixed his glasses. He was shocked at first but snapped out of it. A light bulb went on over his head. Oh, he knows Haruhi is a girl. Kyoya  pulled out his book. Getting ready to read my things of course. 

"Koyuki Takashi.  Second year student. Transfer student.  Blood type, AB. Gender female. Anything else?" I beat him to the punch, telling everyone my information before Kyoya could, due to being afraid nothing would show up regarding me. Tamaki smiled.

"Well, aren't you an interesting princess to visit this host club." He grabbed my chin, tilting it upwards. I slapped his hand away.

"Sorry, but I have other things to do. Haruhi welcome to the Ouran host club." Tamaki's face lit up. He moved close to Haruhi.

"You must be Haruhi Fujioka the new honor roll student."

"How did you know my name? That makes another who knows me." 

"Its not everyday a commoner makes there- wait what do you mean another?" Kyoya asked. 

"I knew her name. I know just about everything." I flashed him my black book. His eyes went wide. He shook his head, and went back to staring at Haruhi. The twins gave each other smirks. Mori cocked his head to the side.

"You said your name was Takashi. Are you and Mori related?" Honey wondered. I shook my head.

"I don't think so Honey. My last name is Takashi, Mori-senpai's first name is Takashi."  He made an O face, and went back over to Mori. The boys went back to making Haruhi uncomfortable. She was getting awfully close to the vase. She's gonna break it soon, I just know it. Haruhi tried to leave but Honey grabbed Haruhi and pulled her back.

Sucked Into The Manga (Book one) Ouran HighSchool Host ClubWhere stories live. Discover now