(14) In My Corner

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Waking up the next day for school I had a splitting headache. I was tempted not to go to school, but who knows how my dad would take that. So instead I get out of bed and walk into my bathroom to get ready for another pointless day. At least I get to see my friends though. At least I get to see Dylan. No. Brain shut up, he's nothing special, just a friend. Like Thomas, Kai, Johnny and Mattieu. All the same. Friends. 

Looking in the mirror, I automatically noticed the bruising from my cheek all the way down to my chin. Ah, that's where my headache has stemmed from. Awesome. Good thing I have some makeup laying around, a little cover up never hurt anybody. Nobody needs to see this, they'll ask questions. Dylan will ask questions. 

Covering up my bruising as quickly as possible, I then head out to my car and drive to school. Once entering, I see all my friends crowded by Alicia's locker but seeing them starts to give me anxiety. My dad hit me last night. There are bruises on my face under pounds of concealer and foundation and I don't know how I'm going to act normal around them. 

My eyes scan over Dylan, and I become more anxious. How the hell am I suppose to act natural around him?

Taking a deep breathe, I put on my best smile and walk towards them. Of course Alicia notices me first and her face breaks out into a huge contagious smile. 

"Evelyn! Good morning boo boo!"

Everyone turns to face me and I just roll my eyes, trying to be inconspicuous and trying, but failing, to avoid a certain pair of hazel eyes. 

"Mornin' E, you're looking scrumptious today!"

Before I could respond, Dylan's head whips toward Johnny with a death glare while Johnny responds with a mysterious smirk.

"No, you're not doing that. Only I can call her E. That goes for everyone."

Well, Shit. Calm down heart.

Everyone in the group laughs but agrees he has the rights to that nickname. Dylan nods in satisfaction and then turns to look at  me. Right. In. The. Eyes. God dammit. 

"Good Morning. E."

I can't help but laugh slightly by the emphasis he put on my nickname but roll my eyes nonetheless. 

"Good Morning. D."

We stare at each other for a minute, just enjoying each others presence. We are the only two people who understand one other and it's nice to have unconditional support. No questions asked.

"Ooookay then! Now that you both got that out of the way, Evelyn, we were just discussing our weekend plans. Any ideas?"

"Guys, it's only Tuesday. We literally just had a weekend."

I was slightly joking with Johnny to keep things light but I didn't really want to think about the weekend. Not only was my dad hitting me now, but I only had 7 days left. 7 days to figure out how to get someone out of jail or I was dead. I also couldn't go anywhere other than school or my dad would do God knows what to me. I could feel myself spiraling again so I quickly pull myself from my own thoughts and when I looked around, I see Dylan looking at me. Really looking at me. 

Uh oh.

"Oh come on Lyn, we can let you pick something. Whatever you want!"

I know Alicia is still worried about what happened on Saturday, and I am warmed by that thought but I was stuck. I wanted to be with my friends but my dad wouldn't let me. Then again, Maybe one last outing wouldn't hurt, how would he know?

"Well, maybe we could go to the fair this weekend? I'm in serious need of roller coasters."

It was wishful thinking, and in hindsight I probably shouldn't have suggested it because as soon as it exited my mouth everyone was on board. Well, no getting out of this one. 

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