(4) Altercations

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It's currently 1 A.M. The night terrors have been getting worse, but tonight they are unbearable. I'm now too afraid to go to sleep even though I am exhausted in every sense of the word. Having sleep paralysis doesn't help either. I couldn't differentiate what was real and what was a dream. So here I lay, awake but having trouble keeping my eyes open. It's hardly working so therefore I decide to go for a drive. Being tired and driving? Yes, not my brightest decision but hey, at least I can wake up from the fresh air and go get some coffee. I pack my bag with my laptop, wallet, notebook, and some pencils and pens then head downstairs to my car. I can tell that my dad hasn't come home yet, and I am honestly very grateful. Who knows what would happen and how drunk he would be. I finally reach my car and decide to go to the nearest 24-hour shop called Loretta's Diner. I have never been there personally but that is Alicia's favorite place, so it must be good.

Arriving, at the diner, I can tell there are few people inside based on the lack of cars in the parking lot. Well duh, it is 1 in the morning after all, something I seem to keep forgetting. Walking up to the entrance, there is a chime that occurs when I open the door, but I find It very pleasant. This is short lived when I notice who exactly is in this diner. 

Staring at me is non-other than Dylan and his 'gang'. I doubt they're an actual gang but like I said, people love to be entertained and that means coming up with stupid rumors. Dylan is situated behind the counter, while his 3 friends are in front of it. Just my luck isn't it? Honestly though, I am not in the mood to deal with these four, but I do wonder why they are here so late. I know its none of my business, but I am a curious person. Shrugging it off, I walk right past them and take a seat in a booth by the window. I can hear Dylan and his friends start to whisper but I pay no mind to them. I start drawing my latest sketch when I feel a presence beside me.

"What can I get you?"

Even though I knew he was there, I slightly jump and look up towards Dylan.

"Excuse me?"

"Are you stupid? I asked what you wanted priss."

Being too tired to care about his attitude, I remain staring at him with a blank expression and then go back to my drawing.

"Double double coffee please. Large."

Dylan stays standing there for a few seconds before finally leaving. At this point, they could be yelling at me or throwing things at my head and I wouldn't care. I think all this lack of sleep is making me crazier than I already am. Suddenly, the large coffee is gently placed in front of me and I automatically take a few gulps despite the scorching temperature.


I start to draw again but feel unnerved because Dylan is once again just standing beside me. Then suddenly Dylan's 3 friends sit across from me and I am now surrounded by all of them. I don't pay any mind to them though and just continue working on my drawing. After 5 whole minutes of silence, I can't take the unnerving feeling anymore. With a loud sigh I place down my pencil, looking up at them before speaking.

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