[19] what...?

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"Huh? What do you mean y/n? This isn't a dream. It's real life." Meliodas sounded more demon like at the end. I stood up and stepped back slowly.
"I...think I'm gonna go.." I said slowly walking backwards.
"Oh really now?" Meliodas grabbed me and forced me on the ground.

I wake up...

What type of dream was that...

Your POV
It...couldn't have been a dream though...it felt too real. I had to figure out what was wrong with me. These dreams were too real so I made myself fall asleep with some Tylenol.

It took me a while to fall asleep but I ended up falling asleep anyway. I wake up in some sort of black void...? It's pitch black and I can't see anything but I hear a voice. Who...is that?
"H-hello is anyone there?" I asked.
"It's me."
"Who...? Is that you Meliodas?"
"Of course it is,who else would it be? Unless...have you been cheating y/n?" The said Meliodas said.
"But...you're not real!" I exclaimed.
"Oh,but I am though."
"No! This is just a dream! So get out of it! I hate that you pop up in every single one of mine! Why won't you leave me alone?!"
"Because I love you." Meliodas said.
"No you don't!"
"Oh,but I do n/n" Meliodas smirked through the darkness and suddenly lights went on.
"Huh? Elizabeth...?"
"Oh hi y/n! Sorry that you saw Meliodas like this it's because, he was in assault mode"
"Huh...? Wait...Eliazabeth!"
"H-Huh yea?" She asked.
"I-is this a dream or is it real?"
"Wha- it's real y/n." Elizabeth said looking at me in the eyes.
"A-actually?!" I gasped and stared around me.
There were buildings now and vacant areas of forest trees. I started to realize I was in a wrecked up village. I looked back at Elizabeth,
"W-what happened?"  I asked.
"Nothing. Now wake up." Elizabeth said.

I woke up. 'H-Huh what the heck just happened,was that really...real?' I looked around me and just saw the guest room of my b/f/n's house. 'It must have been a dream...right?' I just got ready for school and went to b/f/n's room
"Hey b/f/n it's time to go to school!" I slightly yelled through the door. I heard no response so I just opened the door and walked in.
"Hey, wake up b/f/n"
B/f/n groaned and looked at me straight in the eye.
"It's Saturday." She said looking at me disappointingly.
"W-wha?!" I looked at my phone and yup it was Saturday.
"God damn it. I got ready for nothing." I sighed and went walking back to the guest room.
"Wait y/n!"
I turned around and looked at b/f/n.
"Let's go to the mall!" She said.
I deadpanned and just sighed.
"Okay...then let me change to real clothes. I hate uniforms and skirts."
I turned around and actually went inside the room. I just put a sweater and leggings on, the sweater had Japanese lettering and was black. I walked out of the room and went to b/f/n's.
"Hey b/f/n I'm done changing are you done?"
I said through the door.
"Yea! In a minute!" She yelled.
I sighed and looked at the time, it was 10:30 am. I waited until the door swung open. I stared slightly startled.
"Okay I'm ready! Let's go!" B/f/n yelled.
"You are wayyy too happy..." I deadpanned starting at him/her straight in the eyes.
"It's just...I GET TO GO SHOPPING!!!!!" She yelled.
"Oh...OH NO. nO you're gonna make me try revealing outfits aren't you?" I said scared.
"Of course!" B/f/n said smiling evily.
I shivered and just went with what she wanted.

5 hours later~
After a LONG day of shopping I groaned and layers down on the bed. I sighed and looked at YouTube videos of my favorite anime bois. (Kaminari,Zenitsu,mELiOdAs,and more ofc)
I eventually fell asleep.

wELp that's all for this cHaPteR and I need sleep it's 1:30am. Also I'm going on a short hiatus for a week! Also the next time will be in the anime😙

•739 words•

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