chapter 13

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*Jungkook tossed and turned in his bed. He could not sleep. As soon as he closed his eyes, So Young's face would flash across his mind, along with the way she broke down in his arms just a few moments back.*

*She was just two doors and a few steps away. It took everything in his power to not get up and go to her room. What if she was having a nightmare? What if she's crying again? What if she needs anything? Has she eaten? Or what if she's thirsty? Have I gone mad?* Jungkook shrugged. *Probably,* he thought.

He groaned and shoved the pillow that was underneath his head to his face and groaned loudly into it. The sounds came out muffled. *How long has it been since I've left her?* Jungkook removed the pillow from his face and searched for his phone in the mess of bedsheets and blankets he had created while tossing and turning. Finally, he found it tangled in the sheets. Turning on the screen, he checked the time.

2:30 am.

"Oh God!" Jungkook shoved the pillow back at his face and screamed. He was a mess. He just couldn't think straight and couldn't help but worry about the sleeping beauty next door. Jungkook was still a bit baffled by the situation that took place a few hours back.

*Was she crying? And that hard. What made her cry like that? Did something bad happen back at the auction center?* So many questions nagged at his mind. As said before, he couldn't think straight. He felt restless and helpless, all because of a particular girl who happened to be sleeping in the room next to his.

*Is she even asleep? Should I go check? I shouldn't,* Jungkook thought. *My God! Jungkook, just get up and go check on her! You little desperate son of a...* His self-consciousness told him.

*What are you waiting for? Get your pretty little ass up and move!* Again, he scolded himself.

Jungkook got out of the mess of sheets he had made and went over to her room. He quietly opened the door and tiptoed his way to the bed. She was asleep. He sat down by the edge of the bed. But she seemed restless, just like Jungkook. The difference was that she was asleep and he was awake. But Jungkook knew the cause of her restlessness was something else and not him. That gave Jungkook some kind of relief.

Her eyes squinted, and her expression changed into a frown. Jungkook wanted to reach over and stretch those frown lines from her forehead back to normal. So he did. His forefinger gently dragged on her forehead, and the skin underneath his finger relaxed. But Jungkook didn't pull back. Instead, he trailed his finger down her temple to her cheeks, then to her jaw, and his hand settled on her cheek.

So Young's expression relaxed, and she leaned into his touch. Jungkook sighed in contentment and relief. At least he brought some kind of comfort to her. He was happy about that. Soon, he would bring all kinds of happiness to her feet, just as she deserved. He would remove all the bad memories from her mind and replace them with happy ones.

Jungkook kept admiring her, his eyes absorbing her innocent features, trying to get used to them.

*How can someone be so beautiful?* he thought.

Jungkook's eyes started feeling heavy, and before he knew it, he fell asleep.


So Young let out a gasp, and her eyes widened. Any signs of sleep vanished from her body. Jeon Jungkook was in front of her. She observed his posture once she was out of shock. One of his hands was underneath his head, which was placed sideways on his arm. His legs were spread out straight on the carpet, and his other hand led to her... cheek.

Once she noticed that, she immediately turned red. Blood rushed to her cheeks, and her mind went koo koo. Her heart was beating wildly against her chest, warning signs going off, but she didn't take any action. Instead, she just stared at the handsome boy, giving in to his touch and not minding it. Actually, she liked it.

Jungkook's eyes flickered a bit before opening, then a lazy smile set on his face, and he mumbled, "Good morning, birdie." Butterflies burst out in her stomach at the nickname. Nonetheless, she returned his smile and said, "Good morning," in her soft and vulnerable voice.

Jungkook's smile turned into a full-on grin at her greeting. He removed his hand from her cheek and straightened his head. Letting out a painful wince, he grabbed the right side of his neck. His face scrunched in discomfort. "Ah! Ah!"

"Are you okay?" So Young asked, sitting up on the bed.

Jungkook moved his neck from side to side in order to somehow relieve the pain. "I'm fine, my neck just hurts because of the position I was in. It'll be fine after I take a shower." Jungkook looked into her worried eyes. He sat up on his knees and cupped her face with his hands.

"You do not need to worry, I'll be fine," Jungkook reassured.

"Are you sure?" she asked again.

Jungkook let out a little laugh and leaned up to peck her forehead. "My sweet little birdie, yes, I'm sure." He confirmed. "But enough about me. Are you okay?"

"Huh? Why wouldn't I—?" She was about to ask why wouldn't she be okay when she remembered the events from last night: her crying like a whale, her elephant-like whimpers and sobs. And worst of all, Jungkook had witnessed all of this. "Oh Lord," she covered her face with her hands. Jungkook let out a chuckle. "Is my birdie embarrassed?" Jungkook cooed.

So Young nodded. "I am sorry if I caused you any trouble." She apologized for no reason, but she felt bad that it hadn't even been a whole day since she came here and already caused him so much discomfort.

"Hey hey, birdie, look at me." He removed her hands from her face and forced her to look at him. "You will never cause me any kind of trouble." He lovingly stroked her cheeks. "I know it's only been one night and a few more hours since I've known you. But I love taking care of you. And the fact that you were comfortable in my embrace makes me so happy," Jungkook stared at her with fondness in his eyes.

"Thank you for last night. I don't know what came over me," she said softly. She was trying to look anywhere besides Jungkook's eyes, but his hands on her cheeks bound her face as well as her eyesight.

"Birdie, can I ask you something?" He asked, and she nodded her head slightly. "Why were you crying last night? If you don't mind me intruding."

So Young hesitated. She didn't want to tell him just yet. She was comfortable with him, that was for sure, but she couldn't trust him fully just yet. She wanted to wait before she filled Jungkook in on the darkest part of her life. "Umm... I don't feel comfortable talking about it. Can I tell you sometime later?" She responded in her honey-like voice.

Jungkook's eyes softened. "That's okay. We'll leave it if you are not comfortable." Jungkook moved his hands away from her cheeks and stood up. He stretched, extending his hands upward, and then relaxing them. Jungkook looked down at her to see she was pouting. Jungkook sat down in front of her.

"Why are you pouting?" Jungkook questioned.

"No reason," she turned her head away from him. She was actually sulking because she was enjoying Jungkook's touch. She felt warm inside and out when Jungkook paid attention to her.

"Is it because you were enjoying my touch?" Jungkook vocalized her thoughts, and her eyes widened at his accurate guess. Jungkook chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes."

Blood rushed to So Young's cheeks. She immediately covered them with her hands. Jungkook let out a hearty laugh. Just being in her presence made him so happy and content.

Jungkook suddenly remembered something. "Birdie?" he addressed. So Young looked up, now familiar with the new nickname. "About last night, what happened between us," Jungkook referred to the kiss they shared. Her eyes lit up in acknowledgement. "I am sorry if I offended you with my actions. I just couldn't control myself. I won't ever do that again without your permission," Jungkook lowered his head, ashamed of his actions, but he didn't regret them.

So Young, on the other hand, too enjoyed the kiss as she remembered. So, being bold, she gulped and confessed.

"I didn't mind. I liked it."

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