chapter 3

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"You have to leave as soon as possible."

"What? But why?" So Young was beyond confused. "Why do I have to leave so suddenly?"

"It's not safe for you here," Mr. Kim reassured, gripping her shoulder. "You have to go to your brother; he'll tell you everything. But right now, leave as quickly as possible."

"No, Papa! What the hell is going on?!" So Young leaned back, causing Mr. Kim's hands to slip off.

"So Young, don't make me repeat myself. You have to trust me. The less you know, the safer you are. Please, baby," he sounded desperate. So Young sighed; she didn't want to argue with him. He was her father, after all, and he would want what was best for her. If he wanted her to leave so urgently, something must be wrong. She wanted to stay and force him to explain himself, but the desperate expression on his face made her refrain from questioning further.

So Young was informed that her belongings had already been packed, so now she didn't even have an excuse to stay back, even for a little while. She dragged herself downstairs, accompanied by her father.

She descended the last step and saw her mother talking to Jimin, carefully explaining something. Jimin nodded in understanding to everything she instructed, and when So Young approached them, her mother gave Jimin a quick hug and a peck on the cheek.

Turning around, her eyes met So Young's, instantly welling with tears. So Young hated seeing her mother upset. Quickly, she walked towards her and wrapped her arms around her.

"Don't cry, Mom. Why are you crying? Everything is going to be fine," she tried to comfort her.

"My baby," her mother pulled away slightly. "You're right, everything will be okay." She cupped So Young's cheeks. "You'll be fine, just take care of yourself, okay?" Tears fell, and So Young desperately tried to wipe them away.

"I will, Mom. Besides, I'll be back before you know it."

Her mother pulled her in for a tight hug, and after a final squeeze, she let her go.

"So Young, honey," Mr. Kim moved forward to hug her as well. "Listen to me very carefully. Once you're out of here, do not look back and don't trust anyone besides Jimin and your brother. Okay?" He instructed, still holding her in his arms.

"Yes, Father," So Young knew she didn't have a choice; her father wouldn't take no for an answer once his mind was set.

"Now hurry," he turned her around and guided her towards the exit. "You must leave. Take care of yourself, okay?" So Young nodded her head. "Goodbye, my love," he kissed her forehead, and So Young felt like it was his final goodbye to her.

A weird feeling settled in her stomach. She knew something was wrong, but all she could do to help was walk away from them, even though she didn't want to.

"I'll see you soon, Dad," she pulled him into another hug. "I hope so," he whispered.

Reluctantly, So Young pulled away and walked towards the car, waving goodbye to her mother in the process. Mr. Kim gave Jimin some final instructions, and Jimin carefully listened to all of them.

"Take care of my daughter," Mr. Kim grabbed Jimin's shoulder.

"You can count on me," Jimin replied, and Mr. Kim patted his shoulder in response.

"Now go," Jimin nodded and made his way to the car. He inserted the key into the ignition and turned it; the engine roared to life.

"I hope you're ready. It's a long way ahead," Jimin said.

"As if. Where are we going?" So Young asked.

"Europe, to your brother. But for now, if we don't reach the airport before nightfall, we'll have to stay at a motel. I checked the weather forecast; there will be a heavy storm at night," Jimin said, setting the GPS on the car screen. So Young nodded in acknowledgement and settled back into her seat.

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