chapter 1

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"This feels so good," So-Young smiled, her eyes closed as she relishes the fresh air hitting her face.

So-Young was riding a bus with no clear  destination in mind - just to clear her head, to get away from the flamboyant  life she that lived, and for once feel like an average person.

So-Young came from the Kim family, one of the richest and most respected families in all of South Korea. Her father, Kim Tae Hee, started his business from scratch and made his way to the top. Now, he is the most influential and powerful businessman in Korea.

His competition wasn't easy on him and still isn't. But a motivated mind can become the greatest leader. He kept himself motivated and this solid motivation lead him to his success and now nothing can come in his way.

His personality is greatly reflected in his youngest and only daughter and he couldn't be more proud. So-Young is fierce yet calm. She has all the qualities a leader should have.

But her appearance took after her mother. Sometimes So-Young's father still wonders about how he got a hold of such a beauty. And it made him immensely happy that a tiny version of his only true love came into this world.

The Kim family was a family of four. Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim, and their two children, their oldest son Kim Taehyung and their younger daughter Kim So-Young. But this family didn't stop here and grew more roots.

Mr. Kim faced alot of difficulties along side his family, but he was surrounded by loyal friends who helped him all through the way. And if he has to name one person, it would be his secretary Mr. Park. Mr. Park has been a part of Mr. Kim's life since he started his business. Mr. Park gave him a great helping hand in his business. Even though he is one of the shareholders, Mr. Park willingly supported Mr. Kim as he stayed by his side, attending to his every need and guiding him through the mess. Together the made concrete progress and secured their positions in the business world. No one could meddle with this dynamic duo.

Of course, Mr. Park's family is also considered Mr. Kim's family.

Back in the bus, So-Young would occasionally lean her head out of the window, music blasting in her ears through her earphones. She was in bliss. Right now she didn't care if anyone would judge her or not, she was just focused on enjoying herself.

Growing up So-Young's brother had all the freedom, he could do anything he wanted anytime he wanted. But So-Young was kept hidden behind their mansion's walls. She thought that it was so unfair. And she protested unlimited times but her father's protective side wouldn't listen.

Mr. Kim was extremely protective of his beloved daughter that he never let her out of his sight. He provided everything she needed but kept her away from the world. Since So-Young was homeschooled she didn't know what it was like to be a real student.

Being confined under her father's protectiveness, little So-Young missed out on a lot. But being socially distant from the real world, she didn't 0became weak and fragile. Her father kept everything in account when he decided to hide her from the world.

He trained her to be a self-loving and confident woman. So-Young could easily stand in front of a crowd and make an outstanding speech.

Now that So-Young became an adult, she got a lot more freedom. She was allowed to step out of the house and do things she wanted to do. But it wasn't this easy. At least a dozen guards would always be at her tail. Though it was annoying, at least she got to step out of the house. She was content with what she got.

But today instead of a dozen guards, So-Young brought her best friend and probably the only friend she has, Park Jimin. Jimin is originally best friends with Taehyung but he is also extremely close with So-Young since they spent their childhood together.

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