13) I Missed You

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Grabbing your hand, (which immediately makes that feeling happen again) he drags you over towards the center of the kitchen until you see a person sitting with his short legs pressed up against his chest, hugging them.

"Who's that?," you rudely ask out loud. Despite working here for a while now, you have seen this short blonde kid around, but haven't introduced yourself or anything. "Dutchess, this is Hunny, one of our chefs and best bakers," he says, sounding slightly more formal.

He sits there, in the same position, not looking up at you both until you realize something: he's crying. "Oh no, what happened?" you say sympathetically, immediately letting go of the Prince's hand (why was I still holding it???!!!) and getting on the floor. Looking, you see his eyes are all bloodshot and you still see the occasional tear streaming down one of his cheeks.

"I can't eat any of it," he says darkly, not meeting your eyes, and looking inconsolable. Looking up at the Prince, you watch as he shrugs and slides his hands into his pockets. "Hunny-," he calmly begins, "let me tell my own story," he interrupts, practically growling.

Before you can say anything else, the little boy goes on a rant, which he practically cries his way through: "once upon a time I was happy. I could eat cake with my favorite stuffed animal, bun bun, whenever I wanted to. So that's the name of that old rabbit I always see him with. Then, one day I started to not feel good whenever I ate cake and soon I began to get itchy all over and my tongue burned. And I would throw up and it was terrible! I went to the doctor and-" he says, taking a breath, "and they said," he adds, brushing some tears out of his eyes, "That I'm allergic to cake!" With that, he buries his face in his hands and starts sobbing uncontrollably.

"Hunny's life was cake," says Kaoru, sounding a little concerned. "but now he can't have it and it hurts him since he's surrounded by cake all day and can't have any." So he cries over cake everyday?

When you were at home, you would cry once a week, despite your jokes and constant nagging of your Step-family. Sometimes, it just got to be to much when you reflected on how none of this should be happening to you in the first place. If only your Father came back. Then things would have been so much different. Now, whenever you see someone cry, it hits you hard. But if he never went missing, then I wouldn't have come here... or met him. Starting to feel a little bit sad at that though, you turn back to Hunny and his problems.

"Hunny, it's going to be ok," starts Kaoru, getting down next to you. "I told you that they are working on a cure to your allergy-" "but I still can't have it!," he cries, shaking a little. "Is he like this everyday?," you ask the Prince, concerned for the little boy's mental health. When Kaoru nods yes, you get up and grab a few napkins off of the table.

"Hunny, I don't really know you, but you seem to love cake a lot," you begin, getting down again and holding out one of the napkins. "No duh," he says, being his dark self again. "What was your favorite?," you ask, genuinely curious. For a moment, he stops sniveling and looks up quickly enough to take the napkin. "All of them." How old is this guy even? He looks... maybe about 9ish? Why do they even have a kid working here?

"Cake is delicious, right?," you say, holding out another napkin to him. "My favorite is-," starts Kaoru, but you smack him in the arm to get him to shut up. You watch as his devious smile comes back and he shakes his head at you again. "And one day, that special day, you'll get to taste the sweetness of cake again. All of them.," you say gently, and the blonde boy looks up at you with wide eyes, still bloodshot but no tears come. "But, for now, you have those cherished memories of all the times of when you could eat cake," you say, surprised that he's actually stopped sobbing. Blowing his nose, the blonde boy stands up and wipes his eyes again. "Thank you. You're right. One day I'll have cake again." Giving you a little smile, he excuses himself from the both of you and goes to the other side of the kitchen to start washing some dishes.

Ouran High School Host Club/Cinderella Fanfic (Kaoru x Reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang