Little Nightmares OC #2!

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Mumu: Again?!


Six: Who is it?

It's a protagonist.

Six: Okay...

Seven: A what?

Good guy. Anyways, SOLARIS COME HERE!

Solaris: H-hi guys...

Mono: Another one...

Solaris: BITES THE DUUUUUUSSST!!! *tosses sand around*

Twenty-Three: ... It could've been 'Hungry for another one', yet you chose 'Another one bites the dust.'

*Another One Bites the Dust plays in the background*

Mumu: *faceplams*

Okay! We show out Solaris's OC paper! *pulls out OC paper*

Solaris: Is that really necessary?

Mumu: Don't ask.


Little Nightmares OC #2

Name: Solaris

Title: The Spawn of the South Wind


Six: Is that somehow connected to the North Wind?

Yep, I'll explain it anyways later.


Gender: Female

Age: 10


The North Wind. Remember that dude? That character which One (I call him that from now on) and his little sister (I think... Since she was smaller) ran away from. They had charms to protect them right? Then at the end the Ferryman who was (From here I got a rotten memory) a shapeshifter took/saved One before he was killed by the North Wind like his little sister.

Now, who is the Spawn of the South Wind, and importantly, the South Wind?

In Greek Myths - since I am a sucker for Greek Myths - The North Wind god and the South Wind god are not really friends and are polar opposites (obviously).

So I thought, what if there is the South Wind and he is like this guy opposite of the North Wind? Yes. That means this guy SAVES kids. What if he was the one who made the charms. But he did a big project so that's why the charms doesn't work anymore.

Yet what is the big project?

Cue enter Solaris.

Yes, that's why she is titled 'Spawn of The South Wind' since the South Wind used all his windy powers to make a child from the dust. Why a child? So that when this child saves other children, they would be trusted by them since they are 'one of them'.

And that's Solaris's goal.

Save as much children before they meet their demise and live a happy life on the south.

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