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Now I'm sure I'm freaking late, again, but that won't stop me for giving my dog buddy a birthday tribute because I did prepare drawings (but not yet digital art) that is 'Birthday Tribute Art' but since I didn't know when was your birthday... yeah it came up last last minute lol.


I tried my best even for an oudated tablet and plently of lags and internal screaming

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I tried my best even for an oudated tablet and plently of lags and internal screaming. But so far I like what I did (even the confetti background (yes that is confetti) XD)

Now again, I shall do a speech and buckle up cuz this will be a long one.

Happy (late, again) Birthday! I hope you had the best birthday and you're doing well for the rest of the year. Thank you, really, for being one of my best online friends here and actually being the one of the first Wattpad friend I have, now here we are having a lil Wattpad group and stuff I never expected would happen XD. It really means a lot to me since I am a hermit and sadly have no friends. Thank you for listening (reading, *shugs* either of it works) to me rant about stuff when I couldn't really keep it to myself. It helped me alot for having reassurance from someone outside my family and now I feel less of a sad potato (but yeah I'm still a sad potato). If anything troubles you I will be there for ya to rant about like that one time, but anyways, my door is always open.... even if I may be offline most of the times XD

Again, thank you, and happy birthday! *pops the streamer poppers*

Also enjoy the cake in the drawing, idk what you'd like but here's a strawberry shortcake. If ya don't like that welp just imagine it as something else.


Nah man, I didn't want to do a Bushi drawing but anyways here's his backstory as another gift, and also, Bushi's backstory is really connected to mostly the Myth AU so... yeah, *ahem*:

Bushi was born in a satyr group, and this said group thrived the Forest. Sometimes they helped people, and sometimes they caused mischeif, and sometimes they fought those who wanted to destory the Forest.

One time, they took demigods in as well, and the gods blssed them safe haven (Which totally isn't like Camp Half-Blood lol it is) and satrys would head out to protect the other children to kinda like, serve a purpose.

Now Bushi wanted to be like those protectors and hopefully save the world. He wanted to achieve world peace, or to find the God Pan and wake him up so he could give this world a huge slap in the head. So he trained, how to fight even if he was a stayr and mostly they like peaceful stuff and dislikes fighting. He even trained his pipe music magic, but his pipe magic isn't great. He was a failure to most things and was mocked for being so lanky and small as well, his horns didn't even grew yet.

The Council of Cloven didn't want him to be a protector, but since his father had convinced them, they gave Bushi a shot by giving him a mission to save two demigods near them.

So he saved a demigod, but the other died due to the Hunter showing up and shot them. It was humiliation for his part and the Council was enraged for his slight failure. Other satyrs made fun of him and Bushi was bullied for being such a weakling. But Bushi was determined and tried again, he was a positive satyr in a world full of darkness and negativity.

So yeah he was given a second shot, but he got caught - although the demigods he had to save escaped, so he hoped they are okay - and was brought to the Maw, who then was brought to the Collosseum which Anteaus handled, more of his story will come in the Myth AU, because I ain't spoiling :)

Now that's his backstory. Now I feel bad for the positive lil satyr who just got bullied by his kind... poor he.

Anyways, that's all.

Ciao mon amis and Happy Birthday again Dog!

Wattpad: Publish Finished.

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