Little Nightmares Original Character #1

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Mumu: Who the f is it this time?


Mumu: Twenty three what?


Twenty-Three: WHAT?!

Mumu: You literally named someone after a number?

Well, most of the kids in Little Nightmares was named after a number soooo...

Mumu: But why the hell Twenty-Three? Can't you pick a closer number like Nine or Ten?

Nope, there is an OC which isn't mine named Nine... And maybe someone named their OC Ten... (And I also think Bread Child and Raincoat girl in Very Little Nightmared are Nine and Ten but eh idk).

That is the first reason I named her Twenty-Three.

Mumu: Ahuh...

Next is that my birthday is in the Twenty-Third of October so... Yah, it's like my favorite number since it's my b-day number. I can't choose Two or Three since there is already someone named with that.

Mumu: Okay...

Myoni: Why didn't you use another language that it's definition is two or three?


Eh, I like Twenty-Three, may be a hassle to write but eh, it'sa okaya.

Mumu: Whatever, where's her biography like mine?

Right! *pulls put Twenty-Three's boigraphy*.

Twenty-Three: Does she really have a biography for each OC she makes?

Mumu: Don't ask.


Little Nightmares OC #1

Name: Twenty-Three (Leonna)



Yes, yes you do.

Twenty-Three: Nice...


Stage Name: Songbird

Age: Nine or ten idk

Gender: Female.

Characteristic: Kind, adventurous, childish (sometimes), and kind of sarcastic.


Twenty-Three was a child of the Maw, she was born there, raised there, and grew up there. Her mother was The Entertainer, another OC which I'll present to you in a much later time.

Edit: In my fanfic "It Was All A Dream" I made Twenty-Three and the Entertainer not daughter and mom. But only for that fanfic.Yet Twenty-Three and The Entertainer being related is canon.

The reason Twenty-Three has another name is that because that's what the Entertainer named her, which is Leonna, since, I don't know in that phase Leonna was my favorite name for some reason.

She's just named Twenty-Three because one, the Lady name kids out of numbers to help the counting of her 'products' that made her the Twenty-Third child in the Nursery, and two, Twenty-Three never knew the Leonna name so she sticked to the Twenty-Three one.

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