13 - Endings and Beginnings

Start from the beginning

You contacted the closer rebel base, explained your status and what happened to the moon you were in, they asked for survivors and you mentioned Soren, they would be taking care of him from now on. You got the communicator to talk with Keith, but he didn't respond you, so you decided to leave a message for him.

"Hello Keith, as happy as I'm for you to have defeated Zarkon, you can't imagine how bad I feel for Shiro's missing. I have some issues to deal with before going after you, I'll resolve them as soon as possible and help you find Shiro, we'll see each other soon and find Shiro, I promise... I love you, please stay safe." These words came naturally out of your mouth and made you noticed how much you actually wanted to tell Keith that.

In the next morning, you woke up Soren up.

"Good morning sleepyhead, suit up, we are going to another base."


"I'll drop you there an they will take care of you."

"But you told me you were going to teach how to use the sword!"

"Change of plans."


"Because I'm going to a dangerous place."

"And why can't I go with you?"

"Because it's going to be dangerous, I told you! The galras are still there and will try to kill whoever goes into their path, I can't just fly around with you, I'm going to fight."

"I want to fight the galras! They killed my mommy and my daddy!" And in that moment you realized, he was just like you, he wanted to make difference in a world that took everything away from him, and you couldn't keep that from the boy. You breathed deeply before answering.

"Ok... But you will have to be careful and learn how to defend yourself, I mean, first you have to heal yourself, then we start training."


"Take care of your wounds, the less time I loose wrapping you the less time we'll take to find the castle."

"What to you mean by castle?"

"Well... Have you ever hear of Voltron?"

"Of course yes!"

"Then you'll have a little surprise..."

It took you some days to get to the castle as you were taking your time to train Soren and get groceries, every day that passed you talked with Keith. Soon you were close enough to communicate directly with each other. Everyday you tried to make him calm down, but his temper in addition with Shiro's missing and not being able to form Volton weren't helping.

"(Y/N) they want me to pilot the black lion, I can't do that! I'm not Shiro!" You were talking one day, while Soren was hitting a tree with the sword and you were taking a break from the constant piloting.

"I believe in you, you're capable of being a great leader, don't be like that."

"It's just... Everyone is saying that we need to move on, Allura is making alliances and promising them Voltron when we can't form Voltron! We lost Shiro and everyone is acting like it's not a big deal... And I miss him so much, he's the only person that never gave up on me, I can't just not try to find him, I can't replace him!" He had anger and sadness in his voice and it was easy to tell, you also felt bad about the way everyone else was treating the situation, but considered that things might seem different to Keith's eyes.

"Babe, first of all I want you to breath and calm down, second, try not to judge Allura and the others, the fate of the whole universe is on your hands and you guys just defeated Zarkon. It's not that they don't care about Shiro, it's that they don't want to loose everything that you build while Shiro was with you.

"You might be right... Dam it I wish you were here!" You could hear him punching the mattress, the people at the castle should be asleep.

"We're going to meet soon, but for now, I really want you to try to understand the others side and don't forget your duty as a paladin, okay?"

"Okay... I love you."

"I love you too hot head... Now I must go, I've been almost sleepless for the past days, see you soon."

"See you, be careful out there."

"Said you." You two chuckled and ended the call, your ship was hidden in a big asteroid the held an ecosystem, in a position that you would be hardly found. You rested against your seat trying to find a comfortable position to sleep, after getting ready, your mind vagued about everything you and Keith talked before, you wanted to be there to help him.

Word count: 1454 words.

The Red Lion's Heart - Keith X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now