Chapter 11: You're My Weakness

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I was left alone on the porch of the barn house as everyone else was either inside or unloading supplies from the vehicles. Hershel told our group we could stay for as long as we needed but that didn't make things any less painful for me. I eventually wiped my tear stained cheeks and managed to gather myself up. I couldn't stop myself from playing those words in my head over and over again. Each time was like the first. I know Carl didn't hear what I had said but the fact I had said it meant everything.

After I had told Lori that I loved her son, she didn't say anything. I thought she would have given me the whole 'you're not old enough for love' talk but she just held me tight and cried with me. I know I was too young to be saying that kind of stuff but that week I've known Carl for has felt like years. Each day was something new I learned about him and each day was like I wanted to be more than just friends. My mimd kept telling me it was wrong to love someone because I know I could get hurt in the end.

Like my mom and dad. She told me she loved him from the day she met him. She was only fifteen. She said never to fall in love at that age. At fifteen she was stupid and desperate and in the end of that love, they never saw each other again. I keep telling myself that Carl and I would end up like my parents. I'm not suppose to believe in love because it's never real but what am I feeling now?

I was caught up in my thought that I didn't notice Glenn sitting beside me on the porch swing. "Hey" I said, pulling my knees up and resting my chin on them.

"Hi" He said back.

"Any news on Otis and Shane?" I asked. I was a lot more calm and in control of my emotions.

"No, they haven't shown up yet" he sighed.

I turned my head to face him. "What do you mean? It's been at least three hours" I said, confusion threading in my words.

"I'm sure they just stopped to get gas or something. Don't worry Carl is going to be fine" Glenn reassured me. Carl's name planted an anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Do you think I would be okay for me to see Carl again?" I asked.

"You'll have to ask Rick, last time you sort of-" Glenn shrugged. I nodded and stood up, walking into the house. There was a blonde girl sitting in the living room along with the brunette girl who looked to be sisters except the blonde one looked younger and around my age. They both got up and walked over to me.

"Hey, I'm Beth Greene and this is my sister Maggie" The blonde one said pointing to the brunette girl who smiled weakly.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Adara Rose" I smiled. I wasn't exactly in the mood to talk to anyone except for Carl but Beth insisted on knowing every detail about my life while Maggie just sat and smiled.

"So you lived in Indiana?" Beth asked. I nodded, "Wow, thats far away from here and that boy resting in the kitchen, is he your brother?"

I shook my head, "Although we do have the same colour hair and eyes but no, we're not related. He's my best friend" My eyes trailed to the doorway of the kitchen. I was only meters away from him.

"I'm sorry about Otis shooting him and all. It must have been hard on you" Maggie added.

"Could you tell?" I laughed, pretending my dramatic scene earlier was something to laugh at. They laughed with me. "I just hope Otis and Shane get back soon. I miss talking to my best friend" I sighed.

"Do you like him?" Beth blurted out. I gave her a confused look. "Like, like him like him"

I blushed, "Psh no, I don't think of him that way. He's more of a twin brother to me" I wasn't sure if I lied. Even though I told Lori how I felt, I still wanted to keep that to myself. I wasn't ready to let the realization settle in reality yet. I starred at the doorway again.

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