Chapter 7: I Need You

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People were packing to move but not everyone was following Rick and his family. Morales said that he felt safer if he went another direction, and so his family left a couple hours ago. As for me, I realized when Rick meant doing good for his family, that didn't include me. So I sat on a log, looking at my teared up map. I had to decide where I was going to go but nothing was in walking distance, and since I couldn't drive or had a car, this move was going to be difficult.

I was depressed because I had to say good bye to Carl, since he hated me I don't think he would have wanted me to go with him. He was the only person I had left and I screwed it up. With only eleven bullets left, I was limited to how many days I could survive all alone. When I looked up from the map, everyone was nearly done packing. The closer they got to leaving, the more panic that settled in my stomach.

Carl must have noticed me starring in fear because he walked over and sat next to me on the log. We didn't say anything for a while and I think it was because we didn't know what to say. Fortunately, Carl broke the silence. "My family has an extra seat if you wanted to come along". His voice was monotoned, sad nor happy.

"No thanks, I think I'll be fine on my own" I said, mimicking Carl's tone.

On the corner of my eye, I watched as his fists clenched. "Look, I don't care if you don't want to be my friend but that doesn't stop me from caring about you" He said, frustrated.

"And it doesn't stop me either" I blurted out.

"Then why are you fighting it?" He asked, hope in his voice.

"I-I don't know" I admitted.

"I'm not forcing you to be my friend but I will drag along with us if I have too" He said, earning a small laugh from me.

"Thanks, I don't know what I would do without you" I smiled.

"So, are you coming?" his voice full of eagerness.

"I would love to" I said. His old smile returned and so did our friendship.

I followed him to the car and got in, along with the rest of his family. Lori looked back at us from the front seat, "I'm glad you decided to come along with us" she smiled.

"Welcome to the family, Adara" Rick said.

I was smiling from ear to ear as I looked out the window. The horizon decorated the sky in pink and blue, it was strange for me to find something incredible in a world of despair. Rick drove off and my eyes started to drop, I was exhausted.

"Are you tired?" Carl whispered so only I could here. I yawned and nodded. "You can rest your head on my shoulder... if you want" his cheeks blushed as the words escaped his mouth. Without hesitation, my head dropped to his shoulder and my eyes fell closed.


I woke up to the sound of the car backfiring. Rick swerved the vehicle to the side of the road, hitting the brakes. I rubbed my tired eyes as I watched him get out of the car and open the hatch. Grey smoke emerged from the hatch, engulfing him. Even though you couldn't see him, you could hear the endless muttering of curse words.

I turned to Carl who was rubbing his eyes from sleep. "Your dad swears like a sailor" I whispered. We both let out tired laughs before joining his dad outside.

"What's wrong?" Lori asked.

"The ignition's dead" Rick sighed, slamming the hood close.

"How far are we from the CDC?" I asked.

"Far enough that we can't make it on foot" he frowned, looking down the empty highway.

"Can I take a look" I said, motioning to the hatch. He gave me a confused look at first but shrugged.

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