Chapter 4: Getting Along

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I woke up to shouting voices. When I opened my eyes, I wasn't in the truck, I was laying in a sleeping bag in... a tent. I can't believe I fell asleep but it looks like I did. The last thing I remember was crying into Carl's shoulder. The shouting became louder and visible.

"That was very dangerous Carl!"

"I did what I had to do, dad!"

"Running off on your own just to save some girl?!"

"She was scared, she needed our help"

"So does every other survivor in the world but we can't afford to save each every one of them!"

"So what? You were going to leave her to the walkers?"

"No, but I wouldn't have saved her recklessly!"

"I wasn't, I just- whatever"

Furious foot steps followed after and closer to the tent. Carl peered in the tent and smiled when we met eyes. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"My ankle feels better and I haven't slept like that in the past two days, what happened?" I asked.

His cheeks turned red and he looked away, "You uh... fell asleep on me"

This was awkward. I could tell my cheeks were blushing, "I'm so sorry about that! I was just really tired and-"

"It's alright, I didn't mind" he cut me off, flashing a coy smile. To break the awkward silence, my stomach growled. "You hungry?" he laughed.

"Heck yeah, what's for breakfast?" I asked.

"Why don't you come meet the group and we can eat" he said before leaving the tent.

I suddenly felt nervous, I never did too good meeting other people so I was hesitant to follow Carl. I slowly walked out of the tent and followed closely behind him. The scene became clear as to where I was. We were surrounded by trees. Tents were placed around the ground and a trailer in the middle of it all. A dozen of people filled the camp ground. I meet up with carl at a picnic table along with five others.

"Adara this is my dad, Rick. My mom, Lori. Andrea, and her sister Amy" He introduced. "Guys, this Adara" Everyone gave warm hellos as did I. I sat down next to Carl's mom as she served me a bowl or stew.

"Thanks" I said.

"No problem and it's nice to meet you. You look about my sons age, how old are you?" she asked.

"Fourteen in two days" I smiled. I almost forgot it was my birthday tomorrow, so much for that horse.

"Its your birthday in two days? Did you have something you wanted in mind?" her eyes widened in excitement.

"Yep, I always wanted a horse but my mom never let me. She said we couldn't afford it" I frowned as I took a spoon full of stew in my mouth.

"Well I'm sure it'll come true if you keeping wishing for it. My son just turned thirteen not too long ago, how did you two meet again?" She asked.

"I was on my way to a building to gather supplies when I was surrounded by walkers. Carl heard me call and saved me. I have to say, for a thirteen year old your son is really brave" I smiled.

"Just like his father" she laughed.

"Welcome to the family, Adara" Andrea said to me.

"Thanks" I said.

When I finished my stew, a hand tapped me on the shoulder. I looked behind to see another man with black hair and eyes."You must be the new kid Carl talked about" he smirked, giving Carl a wink. Carl turned red agin and shoved his face in his bowl of stew. We laughed in unison.

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