Chapter 15: Cold Hearts

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"Go,go,go!" Rick shouted. Bullets whistled past us as we ran in different directions.

Carl took my hand as we bolted into an alley between the buildings. Walkers limped from behind the building, growling and snarling loudly.

We pulled out our pistols in sync. I pulled the trigger, firing a bullet in a walker's eye. It took only seconds for the back alley to overflow with rotting bodies crawling towards us. I pulled the trigger again, the bullet digging into the chest of a walker. I fired again but no bullets whistle out.

"I'm out of bullets!" I shouted. Carl continued to shot the endless river of walkers. "It's no use, there's too many!" I grabbed his arm, sprinting back to the street. "How many bullets do you have?"

Carl glanced at me with fear, "not enough"

An automatic machine gun fired endless bullets at us, missing by an inch each time. Walkers crowded behind us. I scanned the street for Rick. "Adara, Carl! Get to the car!" Rick shouted from the other side of the street. We sprinted across the street, dodging fire and knifing walkers.

The car suddenly burst through a dozen walkers, throwing them ten feet away. Carl and I leaped in the car as walkers began to surround the vehicle. "Hit the pedal!" I yelled. Glenn stomped hard forcing the car's tires to screech as we sped down the road.

We were all breathing heavily. I noticed a stranger beside me in the car. "Rick...?"

"He's losing a lot of blood, I need you to wrap this around his leg" Hershel passed me a piece of cloth. I looked beside me to see a teenaged boy, a little older than me, covered in sweat, dirt, and dried blood. He smiled when he caught me glancing.

I took the cloth and carefully wrapped it around the gaping wound in his shin. "Thanks, I'm Randall" he held his hand out, wincing.

"Adara" I smiled, shaking his clammy hand.

I looked over to see Carl starring angrily at both of us. He turned his head to face the window. What's his problem?

Hey!! Sorry for the short chapter but I thought it would be too long if I added the situation when they get back to the barn.

Anyways... Please share, vote, and let me know what you thought in the comments.

Thanks so much!!

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