Chapter 6: We Can't Be Friends

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When Andrea finally put her sister out of misery, she was full of anger and her patience wasn't exactly the best. So everyone chose to leave her alone and let her pull her self together. During that time, we finally took all the bodies of once living loved ones and burned them in a memorial fire to make sure they didn't come back as one of the walkers. As for Carl and I, we became closer friends over the next few days, keeping each other sane and occupied. To distract us from the traumatic attack, Shane and Rick offered to take Carl and I to an open field in the forest to practice shooting our guns. This time I was loaded and ready for anymore walker surprise attacks.

"Alright kids, Your guns locked and loaded?" Shane asked as he pulled out practice targets. Carl and I nodded in unison. "Good. Now I want you to aim your gun at the target, the small metal piece on the top of the gun is to help you aim better. Use it to your advantage" he instructed. "When your gun is lined up to the middle of the target, pull the trigger. Adara, don't let the kick back move your hand, that's what causes you to miss" Shane said, starring at me directly. I rolled my eyes, I've already shot my gun tons of times but I guess that wasn't enough to survive in this world.

I did as they told, lining my gun to the target. I hesitate to pull the trigger when a loud bang came from beside me. I looked to my right to see Carl has already shot his first bullet. Perfect shot. He shot a prideful smile my way. "Don't be full of your self, that was a lucky shot" I smiled at him. He just shrugged and waited for me to pull the trigger.

I pulled the trigger, a loud bang making me jump. It was harder to shot a gun when only silence followed. The kick back moved my hand slightly but I kept it in place. I looked at the target. Complete miss. Carl laughed, "It's not as easy as it looks, huh?".

I was frustrated that I missed the target. Now I know why I'm almost dying all the time. I waste more bullets in air then I do in a walker's rotting brain. I pulled the trigger again. Missed. I stomped my foot. "C'mon! That target's not even that far! Stupid gun!" I shouted, stomping my foot.

While Shane was distracted by looking around for any walkers, Carl sighed and walked over to where I was standing. "It's not the gun, it's your aiming" Carl said.

"I already know I suck, I don't need you rubbing it in" I said angry with his obvious point out.

"You don't suck your just not holding it right" I gave him a confused look. He rolled his eyes before standing behind me and holding both of our hands on the gun. "Don't slouch, hold your arm straight and hold one foot back to steady you for the kick back" He instructed. I did as he said except I couldn't focus when Carl's arm were around me. It sent an unsettling feeling in my stomach. Something I've never felt before. He backed up and let me pull the trigger. A loud bang followed and the bullet went straight through the centre. Perfect shot.

I did a victory dance, earning laughters from all three. "Don't be full of your self, that was a lucky shot" Carl repeated me from earlier.

I smiled, "Nah boy, that was pure skill and you know it" I jokingly gloated. He laughed and joined me in my victory dance.

After practicing a couple more shots, all three of us walked back to camp with zero walkers interrupting us. "Hey Adara?" Carl asked as he walked next to me.

"Hmm?" I hummed happily.

"Your really good at using a gun, you know that?" He mentioned.

I nodded, "Yeah, your not too bad yourself"

"Yeah well, since everyone has a partner-"

"What do you mean by partner?" I asked confused as we continued to walk behind Shane.

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