• 4. Censoring Certainty

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Censoring Certainty

I have been a "detail person" for as long as I can remember. I don't think it's a good thing, it sometimes doesn't let me look at the bigger picture. But anyway, that is being worked on, In Shaa Allah. The thing is, my mind notices the smallest things, especially when I'm reading. I will just look at a sentence and go back to the time the author was writing it and allow myself to catch the right train of thought. Kind of goes haywire if I catch the wrong one though, have to careful there, lol.

It happens in fiction; and I consider it a blessing that we are restricted in our thoughts while journeying through a book. It's like a chained liberty, maybe that's why being a bookworm is something I can't give up on. I would literally be telling the words, 'Take me with you, wherever you go, ey Sevgilim.' 😆 Because while reading fiction, I'm grateful that it isn't an objective read.

But when the matter is with non-fiction...

While preparing for a Certification Test, I couldn't remember what Argentaffin cells were. There was a moment of panic, and then I googled it. Wikipedia put my worries to rest, but one sentence caught my attention.

"...Functionally, it is believed that serotonin diffuses out..."

And I just stopped thinking for a few seconds. It was like someone had tipped all that my mind contained into outer space. The little pieces of information and memories have probably greeted entropy as an old friend and some may have evolved to become comets, who knows? You know that feeling when something suddenly makes sense and you just freeze, realise and breathe out a "wow"? It was that moment.

What's so special about it? I'm in love with that sentence. I mean, look at it. He's (or she's) not giving me facts like a textbook, they're giving me possibilities. They're telling me, okay, we believe that serotonin diffuses out. It might not be, maybe it diffuses out in parts and gets assembled before we can figure it out. Maybe it doesn't even diffuse out, it could send a disguised alibi in its place. Maybe it's not even there and we're perceiving it to be there. But we believe that it does.

This makes me to reach out to options, it makes we wonder what else? How else could be there? And this kind of attitude is exciting, it generates sparks in my head. I make new connections. This category of good innovation skills used in sentences just makes me go "Aaaaaaaaahhhhh! 😍😍😍 Where are you, you beautiful soul, so that I can send your brain a token of appreciation?"

Let's face it, how much of the things that science claims to know can we safely say is certain? We're very clever, I'll give you that. Censorship with certainty is so limited, I feel like people deliberately cut off their own wings of research to save themselves the trouble of the unknown.

I think this is what makes the Qur'an such an amazing book to read, and to understand and to just drown in the wealth of beauty that soaks your soul into bewilderment. It is filled with objective sentences, SubhanAllah. By this, I of course mean how beautifully it moulds into your life and trials. The way how the scholars say; how it feels like it speaks out to you directly. After all, it is written by the Greatest of Writers, for the best of His Creations. It is the perfect balance of truth and objectiveness. SubhanAllah.

There are so many things about this world that we don't even know, I can't wrap my head around how stubbornly arrogant we become when we discover something. It should be a humbling act, the fact that we are allowed to lift the curtains on the Treasure of Allah that this world is... All we can do is sit down and gaze in awe at the Magnificence around us.

Now imagine Jannah. I'm at a loss for words. 

I mean, what if the world isn't like how we're taught that it is? This reminds me of a discussion we had a few years ago in GCSE Psychology, my teacher told us that there was a maniac who claimed he could create personalities out of babies if he conditioned them right. Apart from the ethical issues, the thought that he could restrict someone's mind like that was scary. Almost like he was censoring their certainty. He could make them believe that green was red and blue was yellow just by coupling the stimulus with instructions.

We leave impressions on every soul we meet. I feel like being conscious of it could be beneficial. So do pay attention to details, but don't forget to have someone who can pull you back just to glance at the bigger picture. To let you know that you're on the right track.

Allahu Alam, though. Ah. Now I feel like I've thrown my mind out of balance. ✨

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