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[ sorry for the slow updates. i've been busy with school & especially for my slow ass self, it's hard coming up with what to write. i'm not a very creative person, & also there's been some people who tell me to update in a demanding tone, & i don't like that lmao. it just makes me want to not update. but i have been planning on being more active for you guys cause i never realized how much you guys actually like this shitty book. & i have a question!

would you guys prefer me writing short & chapters getting published fast or long chapters & them getting published in like 3-6 days to a week? please lmk so i can start working on my other chapters. thank you. ]

mattia polibio

i sighed. it'd be fucked up if i didn't do it. gosh, why can't i just leave? just walk out the fucking door. i cant, she'd get mad.

i tapped on her shoulder to wake her up, but she didn't wake up. i shook her, and she still didn't wake up. damn, did she go to sleep late or something?

i shook her harder, "hey! class is over." and she woke up. "what?" she looked so confused.

i laughed at her, "class is over."

she rubbed her eyes, "oh fuck. wow, everybody left my ass to just sleep in here, huh?"

"i didn't."

"well, obviously. thanks though," she said as she started packing her stuff up.

"yeah, of course. i'm gonna go to 2nd period, now." i awkwardly said, and walked out.

i felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned around to see bellamy. "you wanna ditch?" she asked with a smile on her face, and it made me smile.

"to where?" i asked.

"i don't know..." she answered, "ice skating rink? i doubt anyone would be there at this time so we'd be alone."

"alone?" i asked her.

"yeah, so you don't embarrass yourself infront of people." she responded, and my mouth dropped. "first of all, fuck you. second, i'm so good at ice skating."

"mm... you'd have to be able to prove it to me," she tells me as we tried to sneak out of the school.

"wait, there's a teacher right there." i warned, and clearly she didn't know where to hide because the closest room to hide in was the boys restroom.

i grab her arm, and drags her to the boys restroom. "ugh, it stinks in here." she whispered.

"yeah, that's why i don't use the restrooms here." i told her, and we closed our noses. we put our ear to the door, and heard her heels click away.

"come on, let's go." i grabbed her hand as we walked out. we speed walked to the front of the school and walked out. "hey!" we heard someone yell, and we ran to bellamy's car.

she unlocked her car as we were running towards it, and we got in. she starts her car and rushed to leave the school. "you think he saw us?" she asked me, and i laughed. "i have no clue."

"hmm... it looked like youve had a lot of experience ditching school," she told me.

"nope. this is actually my first time. i just watch a lot of movies," i answered.

"mattia, i wanted to apologize for the way i reacted the other day. i didn't know what to do or say..." she trails off.

"it's fine. i get it. what i did hurt you, and it's gonna take some time for you to put your trust back into me and it's okay. i totally understand," i explained and she gives me a small smile.

"thank you. i'm so glad you're not upset or mad about it. i've really missed you, and our bond overall. and i do, i do like you too but i just want to take it slow," she tells me. did she just- she ju- i- she just said she likes me.

"you like me?" i asked her, confused but really excited.

she laughs, "yeah, i do."

i wanted to punch the air right now and run around in the streets butt fucking naked. im so glad she feels the same way rather than leaving me with no answer.

"we're here," she parks her car and we get out.

i was nervous. i didn't know how to ice skate. i only lied to impress her but i didn't think we were actually going to come here. fuck. what did i get myself into?

we walked in, and had the whole place to ourselves. we got our skates and the workers said they were going on their lunch break i guess? and didn't mind to leave us by ourselves.

"come on mattia, why are you so slow?" bellamy asked as she started skating on the ice. "truth is, i don't know how to ice skate. ive never done this before," i told her truthfully.

"i can teach you," she shrugged, "come here."

she comes back to the entrance, grabs my hands, and i carefully get on the ice. i immediately start losing my balance, almost eating shit.

"just relax," she told me, and i do as she said.

i slowly got the hang of it, or i thought i did... that was until i fell on my asscheeks which hurted like a bitch.

bellamy starts dying of laughter, making her fall on her ass too. which made me start laughing, at this point, we were both laughing with our asses on the ice.

today's a good day.

𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐘, mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now