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so like babygworls, i've been sick & in the hospital & after i got out, i haven't had any motivation to write mostly because i'm not creative & have no clue on what to write. i sincerely apologize but i will try to get back on my grind, forgive me!

it was lunch and kairi and adelaide dragged me to the boys' table. "i don't want to sit here," i told them.

"that's too bad," kairi said and i rolled my eyes.

mattia sits in front of us, and i rolled my eyes again and went on my phone. i texted adelaide even though she was sitting right next to me, but i couldn't tell her what i needed to tell her out loud.

mattia tried to say it was my fault

bestie <3:

he said it's my fault that he did what he did

bestie <3:
i'm sorry, what?
how the fuck is it your fault?

my point exactly

bestie <3:
let me add kairi

bestie <3 added kairi to the conversation

bestie <3:
ok kairi
mattia's saying this is bell's fault

uh... what?

the thing that happened last night
he's saying it's my fault

wtf has gone inside his brain & make him think that
i'm telling you
this is jenna, her fault
she's the reason he's acting like this
hold on, i have an idea

"so," kairi started talking, "mattia... you and jenna? again?"

"yeah, why?" jenna answered for him as she sat on mattia's lap.

"did you not tell me that you liked bellamy the other day or...?" kairi asked, obviously trying to be petty. and it worked, it made jenna mad.

"excuse me?" she asked.

"he likes bellamy, not you. i don't know what the fuck you have over mattia but he wouldn't be doing what he's doing and he sure as hell wouldn't get back with you unless you're blackmailing him of some sort," kairi snapped, and everyone stayed quiet.

"kairi, chill the fuck out man. this is my girl you're talking about." mattia told him, and he rolled his eyes.

"mattia, you know you don't like her. why are you even dating the bitch?" kairi asked. mattia looked at jenna, and jenna looked at mattia with her arms crossed with a bitch face.

"because i-... i-... i'm- i'm in love with her. i do-don't like bellamy anymore," mattia stuttered, we obviously could tell he was lying.

"yeah, okay." kairi rolled his eyes, clearly not believing a word coming out of mattia's mouth.

lunch ended, and time went by so quick; making me happy that i could finally go home. after school, i drove home and laid in bed.

bestie <3:
wait i thought mattia was with jenna?

he is? bitch you're telling me like i care

bestie <3:
but he's been texting this girl, devin?

who tf is devin????

bestie <3:
my question exactly
i guess she's a sophomore??

does she go to our school?

bestie <3:
obviously not if we don't know the girl

maybe she's a nobody?

bestie <3:
but idk a devin at school
usually, ik everyone

yeah you're right
how'd you find out about this?

bestie <3:
he posted her on his spam

eh, idrc

bestie <3:
i miss you & mattia togetherrrrr

oh damn
idgaf :)

bestie <3:
i'm gonna talk to his weird ass
there's no fucking way he could act the way he did only to say he doesn't like you?????
clearly it was a lie
he's the worst liar ever

leave it alone
i seriously do not care

bestie <3:

lmao no

bestie <3:

adelaide, i'm gonna take a nap
text me later when you finally have some sense knocked into you that me & mattia are not gonna be anything.
at this point, we're basically enemies again.
& i'm perfectly ok with that.
i'm hurt, yeah? but i seriously don't wanna talk about or to him anymore.
he basically played me.
i'm done with him.
i gave him 2 chances & he fucked up, BOTH TIMES.
i'm actually done, like fr i'm done.

bestie <3:
bell :((
i love you
idk what it is
but i truly believe you & mattia are supposed to be together

i love you too adee
but i'm honestly done.

bestie <3:
i'm sorry :(
you take your nap & i'll text you later, ok?

thank you
goodnight boo <3

bestie <3:
goodnight baby <333

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