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*this chapters pretty long to make up for the days i haven't been active for lmao*

"i need to talk to you," i told her. she rolled her eyes, and crossed her arms over her chest. "for what reason?" she asked.

"please, it's important." she thinks about it for a second, and finally let's me in. we go to her living room, and sit on the couch.

"okay, what do you want?" bellamy asked me.

"do you hate me? like actually hate me?" i asked her, and she sighed.

"i don't know, mattia. why do you care? don't you hate me?" she asked.

"no, i don't hate you. i never did." i answered her. she looks confused.

"what do you mean you never did? you've hated me since kindergarten. and honestly, you're giving my mixed signals. so to really answer your question, i don't know how i feel about you. we actually bonded when you came over yesterday. then, you acted like a total bitch today at school. what do you want me to think of you?" she explained.

i face palmed myself and sigh," i'm sorry i did what i did. i didn't mean to. i don't know what came over me. i truly want to be on good terms with you, but you literally hate me so how can i do that?"

"i don't know. i seriously thought that we were gonna be great friends, but then you go and do that type of shit? it makes no sense, mattia." she told me.

"and like i said, i'm sorry. again, it's no great excuse for doing what i did and i apologize. i want you to forgive me, or can we start over at least?" i asked her, and she answers, "i guess we can. but if you ever do that type of fuck shit again, i'm gonna be done with you."

i smile, "thank you." at least i didn't have to tell her that i actually like her, and don't hate her.


bellamy rose

it's finally the weekend, and mattia and i... we're actually great friends now.

i'm currently helping adelaide get ready for her date with kairi. it's so cute how she's so nervous, but yet so excited. i really hope she has the most amazing time she ever has.

"and... we're done," i say as i finish her last curl.

"bell... thank you so much. you're literally the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for, i love you." she tells me, and i smile.

"i love you too, boo. now, come on. text kairi and tell him you're ready," i tell her, and she does so.

as she texts him, i receive a text as well.

matilda baby:
can i come over since kairi and adelaide are going on a date?

idk can you?

matilda baby:
i'm gonna be so boredddddd

my god
can you be any more annoying? 🙄

matilda baby:
fuck you 😭

when & where baby?

matilda baby:
i could say right now
but you won't let me go over
never ;)

smh, you dead wrong for dat shit

𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐘, mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now