When You Are Sick - HC

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Kenshin Uesugi

-- You hadn't been feeling your best but tried to hide it from everyone because you didn't want Kenshin to worry about you when it was probably just a cold.

-- Eventually Kenshin found out you were ill after he spotted you wiping your nose constantly in the middle of war council

-- No one was aloud to come into your shared room apart from him because Kenshin was scared that one of them might infect you with something and you would get worse.

-- He worried about you non stop, What would he do if he lost you?

-- You attempted to get out of bed many a time but your plans were always foiled by Kenshin even though you reassured him it was just a cold and you could still move around and do stuff but he wasn't about to take that risk with you.

-- He would have you lie down in bed until you were a 100% better and even after that you would have to stay in bed a couple more days just in case

-- I hope you like to lie down doing nothing for days on end because that's what you'll be doing if you're dating him.

Sasuke Sarutobi

-- You still lived in Azuchi because no one knew of your relationship, as much as you wanted to live with Sasuke you didn't want to leave your friends in Azuchi castle yet and Sasuke supported you in that decision.

-- Because you and Sasuke rarely see each other you had been sick for awhile until he noticed something was not quite right with you. 

-- There wasn't much he could do as he didn't live with you and had to be very careful to not get caught

-- He would help you get better any way he could though whether that was fetching you some herbal remedies or just cuddling you until you fall asleep,

-- He wishes he could do more but your both limited by the medicine you can find it would be a different story if you were both in the modern day.

-- He just lies by your side as long as he can and hopes it at least makes you feel better and hopes that you appreciate the little things he can do. (Which you obviously do)

Hideyoshi Toyotomi

-- This one is going to feel an excessive amount of worry and anger. 

-- After a maid had come to his room in the middle of work and informed him you had fallen ill he was of course immediately really worried but also was angry and was going to scold you when you got better about taking care of yourself more.

-- He would have you moved into his room so he could take care of you and watch over you

-- His mothering instincts were almost smothering but you let him look after you the plus side to you being sick was that you got lots of cuddles and kisses on the head.

-- You kept telling him though that if he got to close he might catch it too but he just told you that he couldn't care less and you were more important plus he could look after himself. He'd say the last part with a disapproving look at you.

-- Lets just say you'd get a whole lecture on how to stay healthy after you were better and you wouldn't be working again until he was 100% sure that you were completely feeling better.

Masamune Date

-- You and Masamune were having your lunch together as usual while you were eating you started to feel weird and ended up putting down your bento box and ran and threw up all, before Masamune could even ask you what was wrong.

-- As he put you to bed and tucked you in, he started to worry that maybe something was wrong with the food he made, maybe he gave you food poisoning or maybe someone had poisoned it but he would never let that happen and he would know.

-- He would call Ieyasu and explain what happened and would ask him to check on you. Masamune was so relived that he hadn't poisoned you after Ieyasu told him that you had simply got sick and it wasn't food poisoning.

-- He would sit next to your sleeping form and gently run his hands through your hair while he wrote his letters. 

-- Masamune would try to get you to eat things but you were just to sick to want to eat or you'd just throw it back up

-- He'd made you a simple soup one day and soon realised it was the only thing you could eat and he was worrying about that you weren't eating so he would make you that soup multiple times a day because it was the only thing you could keep down

-- You stayed in bed sleeping for the better majority of 3 days, after you were better Masamune made you a feast and you ate it without any trouble though he was worried you would be sick again. He loved you so much he couldn't bare to see you like that again looking so vulnerable and pale and uncomfortable. By the end of it all you were sick of soup and never wanted to look at it again as now you would always associate it with being sick


Thanks for reading. Here's a Headcanon for you all. I really want Mitsuhide's route to come out soon preferably in the start of February because that's when I'll finish my current route. Whose route are you on at the moment?

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